Stock card, Options & Extra Options


[Revised Nov 2010]



Print Price Stickers: Print price stickers for the item when stock comes in. Should be blank for dispensary items and those, such as sterile pads, for which individual price stickers are not wanted.

Print Shelf Labels: Print shelf labels for the item when stock comes in. Should be blank for dispensary items and those, such as sterile pads, for which individual price labels are not wanted.

Ask Price: Used for generic stock cards which contain groups of items that have variable prices, such as 'Photo processing' or are that are not worth controlling to item level such as 'Hair accessories' and 'sunglasses'.

Price on Label: Ticked if you want the price on all stock labels, blank if you wish to price the shelves and have the stock label show just description, barcode, etc. for scanning or lookup.

Restricted Med: see Medicine, restricted, sale and report

OTC: see OTC Scripts

Re-Order: normally ticked. If blank, the item will not be reordered and will not appear on stocktake sheets and certain reports. Use for discontinued lines that you want to run out. Once stock has all gone the item can be deleted.

POS Lookup: should be ticked for items you want to sell at Point-of-Sale. Leave blank for prescription only Dispensary items.

Outers/Packs: see Stock cards: packs, outers and ordering choices

Question mark button "?" on options tab in Stockcards. This will bring up a description of the ordering options.

Serial Number: see Number, Serial, Tracking

Beep: Beep at time of sale on PoS. Not dispensary.

Don’t Update SOH: This option is for use with 'service' cards, e.g. D&P's (photo developments) and gift vouchers, where there is no actual stock on hand (SOH). If this is ticked, the SOH will not be updated and so will not go into negative values. When delivering an order for this stockcard the SOH will not change.

The function ‘Check SOH when dispensing’ will not apply to any stockcards with ‘Do not update SOH’ i.e. The message “There is insufficient SOH to complete this prescription. Do you wish to apply an owing?” will not come up

Max Discount: see Maximum Discount on Stock Card

Stock Type


To change these options on multiple stock cards at the same time, use the Bulk Stock Edit Utility.


Related Topics

Drug card

Packs, outers, Ordering choices

Stock card detail, Left side

Stock card detail, Right side