Foil, Overview & Set up


[Revised Dec07]


Foil (Unit Dose) Dispensing

This assumes you are familiar with normal dispensing within 'RxOne'. The explanation only includes instructions where they differ from normal dispensing.

See 'Related topics' below for jumps to major foil functions.


Dispensing a foil script on Webster, Medico unperforated or Medico perforated is fully integrated into 'RxOne' and requires little more effort than dispensing a normal script. Before foils can be used for the first, time, you need to turn it on and specify your requirements.


To turn on foils

1. From the RxOne Start Menu, select Tools

2. Select Options

3. Select Switchboard

4. Left click on the arrow to the right of the 'Foil type' box and select from Medico perforated, Medico unperforated and Webster.

5. Left click on the 'Foil options' section, to put a tick in the boxes of the option you require.

6. Exit. Foils are now turned on, and a 'Foil' button will be provided during dispensing.

7. Carry out a test foil dispensing to see if the printer has already been set up for foils.


To dispense normal (constant dose) foils;

1. Select the patient as for a standard script, up to the point that the patient history is displayed and the 'Script' button lights up.

2. Select Foils button. (F O I L S)

3. Continue as normal. When the quantity has been entered it will bring up the 'Unit dose dispensing' Window.

4. Type in the doses, e.g. 1 <enter>, 0 <enter>, 0 <enter>, 2 <enter> for '1 morning, 0 noon, 0 dinner and 2 bedtime'.

Move along with the usual keys of either <enter> or <tab> .

Move back with the usual keys of <shift> + <tab>.

Or, use the cursor arrow keys, left/right/up/down to move around the grid.

5. When the top line is set to your satisfaction, select Ok and 'RxOne' will fill repeat the top row down all columns.


To dispense variable dose and unusual foils;

1. Proceed as above, and fill in the top line of the foil.

2. Variable/alternating doses Cursor down and fill in the second line, which can be different, e.g. on alternating doses. When finished, Ok will repeat what you have entered down the foil. If necessary you can enter every box on every line by hand.

3. Day of week. If necessary, Select 'Day Up' or 'Day Down' and scroll the day of the week as required. The days are recorded and used for repeats.

4. Time of day. If necessary, move up with the arrow keys and over type with what you need. E.g. replace "8:30" with "Morning". These times are recorded and used for repeats.

5. Weekly/monthly foils. If necessary, select Weekly, Monthly.

6. Number of days on foil Use the mouse to move into the 'Scripts for xxx days' box and left click to highlight, then change.

7. Print foil options can be overridden at time of dispensing, if required. Click the appropriate box.

8. Press Ok when set to your satisfaction, and finish as usual.


Stock On Hand Figures.

The stock for a script is taken off immediately when it is dispensed. The printing of the foils (be they weekly or monthly) does not influence stock levels. Thus if a script is entered as a weekly foil with a quantity of 224 the stock will be taken off immediately even though 56 will be dispensed each week for a month…


To avoid automatic 'Script Owing'

Most 'foils' scripts are Script Owing, so this is set automatically. To avoid this 'phone' being ticked by default from the Dispensary | Patient window, access the foils from "Script" icon (and tick Foil pack) rather than access foils by clicking the "foils" Icon (which tick Script Owing by default).



- If a script is a 'foil' item, the 'Status' panel of the dispensing screen will have the 'foils' box ticked. To set or cancel the 'foil' status at any time during dispensing or editing, left click on this box or select Foil .



- When testing foils, don't expect to see the foil when you press 'More' at the end of the item... it comes when 'Finished' is selected at the end of the whole foil.


Related topics

Adding A Prescription To An Existing Foil (Grouping Scripts).

Copying A Foil From Last Month As New Scripts.

Copying A Foil From Last Month As Repeats.

Difficult Foils.

Duplicating foils

Editing a Foil.

Entering Foil Scripts.

Monthly foils

Multiple brands (both Medico and Webster) in use

Nomad foils

Printing (And Reprinting) Foils, Signing Sheets Or Labels Separately.

Printing Signing Sheets Or Foil Labels For Multiple Foils At Once

Repeating foils

Signing sheets, single

Signing sheets, multiple

Time-of-day names, changing

Weekly foils