Foil, Period names


The names of the periods, 'Morning, Noon, Dinner, Night' can be changed if required.



To change foil period names

1) From the RxOne Start Menu, Tools, Printer setup, then select 'Foil Packaging', then select Advanced.

2) When asked to select foil type, ensure that you have chosen the correct foil type.

3) Modify the 'Period' names, and select OK to save the changes, before exiting.

4) Do a test foil, and check that the new periods are showing. If not, repeat the steps as listed above, starting from Step 1.


Troubleshooting 'period names' changes.

If the new period names disappear, it is likely that

1. The wrong foil type was selected. Or

2. 'Ok' was not selected to save the changed before exiting.


Related topic

Foil dispensing