[Revised Dec 07]
To add an item to an existing foil
1. Start as though you were doing a normal foil script and enter the new item.
2. While you are entering the period/dosage ensure all the print settings are not ticked to prevent premature printing.
3. When you have finished the new script(s) and have returned to the main dispensing menu re-select the patient.
4. Select the new script(s) you have just done, all the items from the existing foil, and any additional medication.
5. To print the foil now press the ‘Print Duplicate’ button. The selected scripts will automatically be grouped.
1. When grouping scripts with different start days and different weekly/monthly settings the topmost selected script with valid foil settings will be used.
2. Scripts are only grouped when selected from the 'Patient History' and not from the 'Main Dispensing Screen'.
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