Update, Monthly, User notes


[Revised Jan 2012]



The monthly update updates the drugfile and does some internal preventative maintenance checks on the user's database and hardware, and updates some stock information on the stock cards and drug cards. The same update does both Dispensary and PoS (if installed). The user still needs to do the regular preventative maintenance each month.


RxOne program module updates are run automatically at any time of the month though not on the last or first days of the month (to avoid interfering with the drugfile update).


• Program file updates requiring you to be out of a specific program - if there is a new program module to be updated and that module is open, a message will come up.

If you click on the individual coloured boxes, it will show you which program,OCX or DLL  files need to be closed.

• DLL file updates require you to be completely out of RxOne on the computer. If a DLL file associated with a program module is in use and we can't update it, a message will come up displaying a list of programs that are open. It will prompt you to close these programs to allow the update to run.



To put the monthly update through

See Update, Monthly by Internet

The Update only needs to be run on the master computer.


If you need to run a CD update

To run the Update, the disk should autorun after it has been put in the CD-ROM drive. This will take a few seconds. If it doesn't autorun, then from the Windows desktop double click ‘My Computer’. Then look for the CD-ROM drive. The letter (e.g. E:) below the icon indicates the drive letter your CD uses. From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, then RxOne Update, and RxOne Update again. Select the CD-ROM drive from the drop-down menu. Click OK to proceed.


After the update has finished on the master computer, when RxOne on any of the slave computers is restarted, you should see a window message at some point of the start-up process advising that program files are being updated.


Dispensary data such as prices and availability is updated automatically during the update, but for PoS data a variance list is prepared and prices changed ONLY when the user specifies.


Errors during monthly update

- First make sure that it is reading from the correct drive  (usually D: or E: for a CD update).

- Such errors as 'Cant open DB', 'Cant open the RxOne.MDB', 'Update failed' indicate a disk damaged in the post, please ask for a replacement. RxOne will advise you and revert to the existing version and continue to operate normally while a new disk is being sent. If this message appears on startup rather than during the update, see separate notes.


Types of data modified by the update, or left alone?

User maintained data on the stock & drug cards is under control of the user alone, and includes such figures as the stock-on-hand, usage, ordering options, and especially the standard instruction.

Monthly maintained data is under control of our support service, and includes such data as the Premiums, SS availability, etc. Users can usually modify this data, but such modifications will be temporary as they will revert when the particular line on the drug card is next changed by a month update (May be next month or not for many months).


Optional 'Outer pack' download

The outer pack size from Russells, ProPharma, PWL Wellington can be downloaded into stockcards if you wish. To switch on, from the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Options, and Switchboard. In the 'outers' box, click on scroll button to bring up selection list. Select the wholesaler. The outer pack is shown on the stockcards and on the last column of the orders.

On those stockcards which are set to order 'An Outer as 1' e.g. Telfa packs, the outers won't be downloaded as they would be misleading.


A Request... Before asking for a specific piece of data to be transferred to 'user maintenance', think carefully about whether it is really desirable for all users to take on maintenance of that data for every drug, or whether a greater benefit is gained by having the support service continue to maintain it.


Related topics

Missed updates

Monthly Update Technical Notes

PoS update

Update, Monthly Updates by Internet