Update, Wholesaler Prices for PoS


[Revised Oct 14]


Wholesaler price changes for PoS items can be updated either

- at the beginning of the month from the monthly update file and/or

- from the answerback when doing modem ordering throughout the month


PoS prices are NOT automatically changed by either of these methods but require users to manually accept or reject the price changes. The list showing the price changes from your chosen wholesaler can be viewed from the RxOne Start Menu, Tools, View PoS Price Changes. For each item it displays the new wholesaler cost (List cost) and recalculates the retail price using the new cost and the original markup. These figures can be edited and then applied.   


Updating POS Prices from Monthly Update Price File


After the monthly update has been run, go to 'View PoS Changes' and accept or delete the price changes. Price stickers will print out for re-stickering of stock on the shelf.  Delete any items you don't want to accept.   This list can be worked on at any time. Price changes received from the answerbacks will be accumulated onto this list through the month.


Changes received by us from wholesalers up to 21st of each month are included. Changes beyond that date will go on next month's update. Consider this cut off date if some price changes appear to be missing.


Updating POS Price Changes From Answerbacks ('As you order')


Price changes do not have to be updated from the monthly update, they can be updated from the answerback when modem ordering. The prices from the answerbacks are the prices at the time of ordering and will be more up to date.


If you prefer to accept the price changes from the answerbacks, then immediately after the monthly update has been processed clear the 'View PoS Price Changes' list*. Do this by deleting all the price changes by pressing < Delete New Prices on All Tabs>.  When the new prices come through from the answerback they will appear on the 'View PoS Price changes' list, view this and accept or reject the price changes as required. When new prices are accepted, price stickers will print out so you can re-sticker existing stock. Once the new prices have been accepted, when the order is 'delivered', price stickers will print with the new prices.


 'Answerback' prices will be accumulated onto the same list as the price changes from the monthly update. So if the price changes from the monthly update are not cleared then it makes it harder to see which prices came from the answerbacks.


Processing Price changes in 'View POS Price Changes'


- The changes are divided into four lists:

Price increases where SoH is zero; Price increases where SoH is greater than zero;

Price decreases where SoH is zero; Price decreases where SoH is greater than zero.

- To view each list, click on each tab.

- The new calculated Retail is based on the new cost and the previous markup.

- Scroll down the list and check the price changes.


- If you want to make no change to an item, it can be deleted by highlighting the item and pressing <delete> on the keyboard or <Delete Highlighted Items> on the screen. It will appear again next month. To delete several items at once, hold down <ctrl> and click on the items, or 'drag' the mouse, then press <delete> or <Delete Highlighted Items>.


- Change the 'New Retail' or 'Markup' if you are not happy with the computer's suggestion. Highlight the box and then type in the new value.


'Delete All New Prices from this Tab' or 'Accept ALL New Prices on this Tab'


This is to help new users groom their prices during the first few monthly updates to reduce the size of the job. It provides the option to delete all price decreases and accept increases, or the other way around.


'Accept all new prices on this tab' - Changes all the cards to match details on the list. Do this only when you are happy with what you see on screen. Only the visible list is processed.


'Delete New Prices on ALL Tabs'


Use this when you don't want to accept any of the price changes on the four tabs.


'Update Cost Price only' option is useful to insert costs and therefore recalculate markups on a new system where many cost prices may be incomplete. But be aware that if you have any incorrect retail prices, the insertion of a correct cost price will result in an unexpected markup.

It is possible to roll back accidental price updates in some situations.


'Leave All Price changes for now'

It lets you save changes, to come back later and continue working.  You can return to this list many times if necessary to get it perfect before Updating/ Accepting New Prices.


The list can be worked on or the update processed from any unit. But do not work on the list from two different units at the same time.


 'Price stickers for Items with price changes'


This automatically defaults to on. Price stickers with the new price for existing stock will be printed out when the price changes are accepted.


Accuracy of Wholesaler prices on Monthly Update


The prices are the property of the wholesaler, and so remain under their control. The update file includes the prices they choose to send, for the items they choose to send, when they choose to send them. Depending on timing, a price could go out the day after it changes, or 30 days later if it just misses. The loss of income caused by this will be far less than the gain obtained by having every cost price checked every month.


Major cause of unexpected (wrong) prices is errors in the pharmacy's own data, see separate topic for finding these.


The retail price suggested by the machine will be that produced by applying the same markup as the user previously chose for the item, it is NOT the wholesaler's suggested retail price. If the old cost was wrong this will produce a wrong suggested retail.


Prices for Other Suppliers and Special Buys from Main wholesalers (e.g. Blackmores, Bulletin, Mita, QVS, Vantage, PDC etc)


Product and price files for these suppliers are on the monthly update and can be accessed via 'Supplier Update Utility'.


Use this utility to

- create new stockcards for a range of products

- update new cost prices, recommended retail prices, barcodes, supplier codes/ partcodes.


Related topics


Price wrong after update

Rolling back accidental Updates

Supplier Update Utility

Update user notes

Wholesaler authorisation for prices