Update, technical notes


[Nov 1998]



Technician's notes

The update unpacks all new program files into the '\RxOne\update' directory. A list of the new files to be updated is found in the file \RxOne\udfiles.ini.

- If there is an error while unpacking the program files the update will terminate and the user continues as if nothing has happened, and the update will continue to update the database/price changes file and copy the new files into RxOne directory.


Dispensary data update. Price changes etc. are automatically applied to drugs.

Point of Sale data update. Price changes are not applied automatically. A variance list is prepared at the time, and the user can choose to apply the changes off this at any time during the month without needing the update disk again.

- During the update a file called 'Prices' is unpacked into the 'RxOne\update' directory. This contains the current months wholesaler prices for the POS stock file.


Registration Details

The demo registration provided on the installation disk activates almost all functions, so is suitable for demos or for new users practicing, but will prevent some long term functions working to prevent piracy.

Dispensary Module: There must be a 'D' in the Unit number for the dispensary module to be accessed. The module will terminate after every script if the registration is incorrect. The script is recorded but no printing will occur.

POS module: There must be a 'P' in the unit number for the POS module to be accessed.


Update This checks for a 'D' and/or a 'P' in the unit number and unpacks the Dispensary and/or the PoS files as appropriate.


PoS Wholesaler Code to authorise a particular wholesaler's data to be unencrypted, is stored in the User.ini file. You can edit this number by going into 'Options', from the file menu select 'PoS wholesaler Code'. This will bring up the existing Code if there is one.

You can enter the new number here.