Update, Monthly. General


[Revised Nov 11]



The monthly update carries out preventative maintenance on the system, checks for viruses, updates modules that have been changed, and on most but not all sites updates prices and drug availability.


Support service subscriptions

The monthly fee includes the cost of most program development, the 'help-desk' support service, and updates with preventative maintenance utilities.

It does not cover on-site visits or additional training.

The wholesaler and supplier updates are passed on at no charge..


The monthly subscription is charged at the end of the month to which it applies i.e. the fee charged 30th April for payment by 20th May, is for the April service/support and updates.


As RxOne typically controls stock with a high value, and operation of the pharmacy is dependent on its reliability and accuracy, it is important that the reliability is preserved with monthly maintenance for as long as the system is in daily use.


Each of the monthly updates form part of a program of scheduled preventative maintenance, so every update needs to be put through in the correct order to ensure that all necessary maintenance work is carried out at the required intervals.


The maintenance program has proved effective over many years, with most HealthSoft users having never suffered down time due to software or data problems.


Cancellation of service

- Users can cancel the support service at any time on 90 days' notice.

- HealthSoft can cancel the service for any user at 90 days' notice, or immediately without notice for non payment or if the user allows anyone to 'pirate' the software.

NOTE: Ceasing to subscribe to the support service with the monthly updates necessarily involves cessation of preventative maintenance and is NOT recommended unless the system is being discontinued.


Reinstatement of nonsubscriber

HealthSoft reserve the right to accept or decline a lapsed subscriber back onto the service. In the event that a former subscriber is accepted back onto the service, their system must be brought up to date by running all the monthly updates missed since they cancelled. These updates are each charged at the normal monthly rate, plus $25 each, as they require modification to work in a site that was not current when they were produced.


How Updates Work

Every 4 hours the Master RxOne computer connects to HealthSoft to view the latest version numbers. It checks to see whether the Master computer has the latest version in its Program and Dotnet folders. If it doesn't, it downloads the new version and copies all the files from the Program and DotNet folders to the RxOne folder.


Then each Slave copies all the files from the Program and DotNet folders to the RxOne folder.


If a program to be updated is in use during this process, it will prompt the user, otherwise it will copy the new program without notification.

If the master has not updated in the last 3 days the slave will download the files and put them into the Program and DotNet folders in the RxOne folder on the master machine.


Because the files in the DotNet/programs folders are never in use, copying from this folder ensures a perfect copy on the master that the slaves copy to.


All files including the Supplier and Drugfile download to the Master. However the drugfile doesn't download until the first of the month. Supplier updates update when you update the files.




Related topic

Drug file update method

Missed update

PoS update method

Rolling back update

User notes on update