Update, Monthly, Internet

[Revised Feb10].


Broadband Internet access is required (a 'dial up' connection is too slow).

To update from the internet

From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Update and select 'Download Monthly Update'.


Auto Internet Update

You can set up your computer to automatically download the monthly updates.  All you need is broadband on one of your RxOne Computers. It doesn't have to be the master machine.

To Set Up

- Go to the machine with broadband on it and go to Tools\Options.

- Select the switchboard tab and tick the option 'Auto download monthly update'

- Click on 'Ok' to save the settings

RxOne will automatically download the update for you and set it up to run on the first of the month. The drug file will be deferred and run on the first of the month.

On the last working day of the month, when exiting out of RxOne, RxOne will prompt you to leave your master RxOne machine on. If the update hasn't been downloaded yet it will also ask you to leave your internet machine on as well.

Early in the morning of the first of the month, RxOne will automatically run the update, the monthly forecast and the debtors rollover. If these processes have been run successfully, you will get a message on the screen to tell you what has been run successfully. If it hasn't run successfully then there will be no message.

Semi-automatic Updates

At the close of business on the last working day:

On the master, go to RxOne Start Menu, click 'Monthly Update' on the toolbar and 'Run Rollover/Forecast , Download & Run Update Immediately'.

You will then be asked to ensure that all computers are out of RxOne.

When you click OK, it will start to run.  It will do the forecast first, then the debtors rollover, then download and run the update.

When you come in the next morning you will see the next month's program and drug files when you open RxOne.

Checking the Update has run

To check the month of the drug file and program files your computers are running on: go to RxOne Start Menu, it will display the month of the Drug file and program files.

 Also another quick check is to search for a card named: ''NEW CARD"  This will show the month of the drug file you are using.