[Revised Nov 2020 JT]
Staff members can have ID codes, passwords and security cards to control access and record activity.
To enter 'Staff' utility
From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, Utilities, Staff Utilities, Modify Staff. You will be asked for your StaffID (and password if you have one).
Note: Only the staff manager(s) can access this module.
If you are denied access the Staff managers will be listed on the screen so you can see who has access.
To Enable/Disable security
If security is not required, disable it by selecting 'File' then unticking 'Staff security'.
To add a staff member
1. Select New button, and type in the name as you want it to appear on dockets etc.
To delete a staff member
A staff member can be made inactive by selecting ’Deactivate Staff member’. This will pseudo-delete the staff ID and name
Passwords must either be all one letter, or all two or more letters.
- If all are just one, then the system knows to move off once a key it struck, without having to wait for enter.
- If all are 2 or more,. Then the system will wait for <enter> to be pressed after the password is typed.
You cannot mix 1 and 2 letter passwords as the system will move off after the first letter of a longer password is entered.
Add Barcode
Click on the staff member to have a barcode added. Click Modify, Change Barcode. Scan the code on the card into the “New Barcode” and “Confirm Barcode” fields. Click Ok then Ok to save changes to ID.
Security settings Click on the functions that this staff member is to be allowed to access. Experience has shown it is best to be generous with access... too much security can badly interfere with the primary object of the business, efficient serving of customers.
Automated CD Registers require all pharmacists to enter their HPII. To do this goto https://www.pharmacycouncil.org.nz/ and search the name of the pharmacist. Then record the HPII.
Then go into RxOne, Editor, then Staff.
Enter the pharmacist's registration number and HPII.
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