Database corrupt


[Revised Apr 06]


Signs of database (DB) corruption are the system refusing to accept the pharmacist or sales person ID or passwords, being unable to find any drugs, unable to find any patients, or advising that the DB is corrupt.


Can usually recover all data

Because pharmacy data is important and database (DB) corruption can happen at any time because of power or hardware problems, several different disaster recovery mechanisms are provided. Data can usually be recovered even after severe problems.


Click here for Repair instructions from database corruption.


If problem continues to happen then you will need to get the user to run a Database Rebuild overnight


Likely causes of corruption;

1. Turning off while the database is open, without a Windows shutdown. the program is less vulnerable to this than most Windows programs, as it keeps the DB closed while waiting between jobs.

2. Power surge or other electrical problems.

3. Faulty component, usually hard drive or its controller.

4. Environmental problems causing power surges, such as flashing fluorescent lights, bad thermostat on fridge, interference from automatic door openers or shoplifting detectors being picked up by the network cable etc.



Do not ignore frequent DB corruption... track down and prevent corruption problems before they affect system reliability.


Update database

This is a separate utility that checks the existing database structure against the structure of the latest DB, and updates the existing structure without damaging the existing data. From RxOne Start Menu, Tools, Utilities, Database utilities then Update database.


Recovery the program has Roll forward recovery and can usually recover all transactions with no loss of data.


Related topic

Compact database

Preventative maintenance.

Repair database