[Revised Jan 2015]
Barcoded Security Cards can be used to log into RxOne. These can be obtained from HealthSoft or you can use you own.
To set up a security card
Go to Tools, Utilities, Staff Utilites, Modify Staff.
Go up to the File Menu and tick 'Security On'
Then Select the person the card is for.
Select Modify, then "Change Barcode" (NOTE: If there is an existing barcode, scan this into the Old Barcode Field). Then scan the new barcode into the "New Barcode" field then into the "Confirm New Barcode field").
Add in a password: Go to 'Change Password'. If there was previously no password then enter to the 'New Password' box, enter a password and 'Confirm Password'. This password is required to prevent someone using the shortcode without knowing the password. It is not required when using the Security card.
Select OK to save the changes.
To use a security card
When asked for a Staff ID, scan the barcode.
N.B. For security reasons:
It is advisable not to have any reference to your pharmacy on security cards.
The card should not show the barcode number (this could be copied and used).
Any unused cards should be removed from RxOne
All cards must look similar to prevent people from recognizing an important card e.g. the manager's card.
Note - if you scan an existing (used) card at pos and they (the old user) doesn't come up in the system then they no longer "exist" in the system! There is no way now to tell who that card once belonged to. You can reassign this card to another user.