[Revised Feb 09]
If an order is lost before being ordered from the wholesaler, (for example by being cancelled), then just make it up again.
If lost after being sent to the wholesaler:
There is a function to re-import edi's if something goes wrong - see Order, Reimport EDI
There is no copy made, like the 'OldTopUp' order of Checkout as there is no need. Unlike Checkout, RxOne makes up an order from scratch every time.
Likely cause
If a modem order appears to go through but the wholesaler says they haven't received it, the likely cause is that the wholesaler computer thinks it is an accidental repeated order and discards it... some wholesalers prevent double ordering by checking incoming orders against recent ones, and if it start with the same 3 or 4 items in the same quantity it is assumed to be an accidental repeat.
Usually caused by selecting 'Add o/s from last order', which goes at the start of the order and may be identical the a previous order if there are many o/s.
To prevent
Make up a new order and 'merge' the o/s into that instead of adding to the order using the tick box. This will disperse the previously o/s items through the order and make it clear it is a new order.
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