Order, Creating


[Revised Jan 07]


Any unit can make up an order for dispensary, or PoS, or both, for the whole system, and print it out. Depending on the specific hardware used, some systems can only transmit an electronic order from the particular unit that has the modem attached, but others can find the modem down the network.


To create an order.

Because this function is used in many different circumstances, there are several ways of entering it;


- From the RxOne Start Menu, Orders.

- From the Dispensing main menu, Window then Orders (or directly by <Ctrl> + <O>).

- From the PoS main screen, Windows then Orders (or directly by <ctrl> + <O>)


1. Click Create Order and select the supplier by clicking on the drop-down arrow,

3. Specify the period for which you want to order,

4. And whether you want a dispensary or shop order or both.

5. Once finished selecting OK and the order will be created.


To make your most common order options be remembered for next time, got to File, Save this as default order settings.


To manually add a known item.

Press the <Insert> key on the keyboard and type in the details. The computer will look up the item and display past usage for your guidance in deciding on the quantity.

To manually add an item to an order during dispensing, see separate topic


To manually add an unknown item

Select Edit, then choose 'Add unknown item'. As there is no stock card for this item, it will not be entered as arriving when it is delivered.


To add items o/s previously

Tick the 'add o/s items'. This will add to the order , ALL items for orders which have :W, in the comments column of ALL answerbacks shown in the main orders window. Items in a new order with zero quantity, will not be transmitted


To create a manual (blank) order.

Select the 'Blank order' option, select a supplier then use <ins> key and insert required items. An unwanted blank order will come up if zero weeks supply is specified, but this should not be used to generate a deliberate blank order.


To create an order of only items sold for a particular period.

Select the Re-order Sold Items option. Choose either the Since last Sold Items Order option or choose the Since Date option and enter the required date.


To delete an item

Highlight the item & press the <Delete> key on the keyboard. You will be asked the reason for not ordering this line so that it can take note of your wishes for future use. Then OK.


To modify the quantity of an item

Highlight the item concerned and change the quantity. Ok when done.


Stock History Graph In Orders

When you insert an item into orders you can show a graph of stock history that will change as you scroll through each item


To instruct 'Do not order until ( date)'

This option should be used for items that appear on a normal General Wholesaler order.

i.e The SOH is below the ideal buffer stock & the item should be ordered.

However it may be prudent to delay the ordering of this item until (say) the beginning of the next month. Use this option when deleting this item from the generated order, and it will not appear until the first order generated on the specified date.

If the item is used in the meantime the item will appear on the next order. The SOH will have been reduced even further making it more urgent to order this item.

Use this when deleting the item from a generated order to defer ordering until the next billing period.

Do not use this option for deferring more than one month - see example 3 below


To instruct, 'Order on (specified date)'

This option is provided to cater primarily for stat dispensing, or on occasions where one customer receives one or three months supply in one dispensing, and the next likely dispensing will be in one or three months time, and there may be sufficient SOH, based on average use, so the item does not appear on an order, but the full amount will be required prior to the next dispensing.

Use of this option will ensure that the item appears on an order on the specified date regardless of the SOH

However the normal ordering formulae still apply.

If there is sufficient stock on hand, based on an average use, the item will not appear on an order normally, but will appear on the specified date.

If there is not sufficient stock for normal, use based on an average for the month, or if the item is used in the meantime and the SOH decreases further the item may appear on the next order, as it is likely that more stock will be required immediately. It may, if necessary be deferred by the use of the option Do not order until ( date) as above. This date may be earlier than the previously specified date and the item will appear after the deferred date. The item will however still appear on an order on the date specified, even if it has been ordered earlier and regardless of the SOH.

The item will be highlighted in the order in Red to alert the person ordering that this item needs special attention.

Use this to ensure the item is ordered on the date specified, even some months ahead. Regardless of SOH


Note: - The usual ordering criteria still apply. If there is insufficient stock it will still order the item. It may be deferred using the option above.

If ordering is deferred ordering will occur on the date deferred to, and also on the date specified.

It will at present, however, appear on every order generated on that date, unless it is "on order" in another order that has not been delivered.

If in the stock card "Reorder" is not ticked then the item will appear on an order on the specified date only.

Order on a specified date may be accessed in

Dispensary Options - Add to order on a specified date

In stock cards - More Stock Information - Order on

When deleting an item from an order


The item will not appear on any other orders. And will be ordered ONLY on the date requested.


Example 1 Item is dispensed once every three months 90 tabs i.e. 1 daily

Item Dispensed 1Jan Patient needs next supply 1May.

SOH = 110 90 Dispensed 1Jan SOH left = 20

Therefore SOH left = 20 days supply . It will not order

Set Order on specified date 20April

RxOne will order 20April - Item highlighted in Red


Example 2. SOH = 110 90 Dispensed 1stJan SOH left = 20

Therefore SOH left = 20 days supply . It will not order

Order on specified date 20April

New script for 15 SOH left = 5 days supply

Below buffer period

It will order immediately - Also it will order on Specified date 20April - Item highlighted in Red

Item is unlikely to be used again before 1st Following month

Defer - Do not order until 1Feb ( Re asses situation then )

It will order on Deferred date 1Feb - Also it will order on Specified date 20April - Item highlighted in Red


Example 3. SOH = 93 90 Dispensed 1stJan SOH left = 3

Order on specified date 20April

Below buffer period so it will order immediately

Defer Do not order until 1 May

Usage over months Feb & March & April 0 indicates a decrease in usage.

It considers this and may not Order after the deferral date

It will order on specified date 20April - Item highlighted in Red


Example 4 Special Item - only used by ONE customer. Ordered in specially just before customer comes in.

SOH immaterial Customer due in 25 April Reorder not ticked on stock card

In Dispensary set Order on a specified date 20 April

Or on stock cards set order on a specified date ( quantity can be set here also )

Item will appear on order 20April - Check with customer - order item if required.

After Dispensing or selling reset Order on specified date to the next date required.


When order is ready to send

Print to printout.

Transmit by modem. If no modem is detected, you will be asked if you want the order marked as ordered.


Related Topics

1st of month order

Deleting an order

Delivery of order

Editing an order

Lost order

Wrong quantity

Wrong supplier

Order, Lost