Order, Billing date


[Revised Feb10].


Many orders are made up 'Until end of billing period' . This defaults to the last day of the month, but can be changed if the major wholesaler closes off their billing earlier.

Eg, If the major supplier for 'general orders' closes off your bill on 25th of the month, charging later purchases as 1st of next month, set 'billing date' to 25.


To change the Billing date

1. From 'Orders', go to 'Create Order'

2. Go to Edit

2. Select 'Set Billing date'

3. Enter the day of the month that the month's account is closed off. This can be any date 5th to 31st of the month.   Setting it to '31' will chose the last day of the month if there are less than 31.


Twice monthly payments

Some pharmacies have a special arrangement to pay their account twice monthly, on 15th and 30th (or 31st). RxOne can optimise its purchases for maximum economic advantage on this payment regime if you enter a 'Billing date" of "1531".


Related topics

Order, Creating

Order, Philosophy