An order can be split into separate orders either by Preferred Suppliers or by Best Price.
Split by Preferred Supplier
To use this option, you’ll need to have assigned the Preferred Suppliers to the stockcards.
Setting the preferred supplier
This can be done either in bulk in ‘Bulk Stock Edit Utility’ or by ‘Supplier Update Utility’ or one by one in StockCard.
To set preferred supplier in Stockcards, go to StockCards, enter the name or PLU of the item, double click on the supplier of the item and tick ‘Preferred Supplier’. Save the changes when you exit the stock card.
Splitting Order
After creating a wholesaler order, select ‘Split Preferred’, then tick the ‘Preferred Supplier’ option. Tick the preferred supplier(s) you want to split this order into. Select ‘Ok’. The items will then be split into separate order(s) for the supplier(s) selected. Items that don't have a preferred supplier set in stockcard will remain on the original order.
Split by Best Price
This feature can be used to split an order to buy from a different supplier with the better price. e.g. Splitting up an order between the buying groups.
After creating a wholesaler order, select ‘Split Preferred’, then tick by ‘Best Price’. Select ‘Ok’, this will split the order into each supplier with the best price.
Tip: After splitting into orders by best price, transmit the smaller orders first to get answerback. Any out of stock items can then be merged into the other order that has not yet been sent.
Note: This feature compares the supplier cost in the supplier box in stockcards. It does not look at the list cost or real cost field. If there is no $value in the cost field next to the supplier, the computer will automatically assigned the item to the supplier with a supplier cost. These supplier costs are downloaded from the supplier updates and also from the modem answerbacks.
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Bulk Stock Edit Utility Ordering From Buying Groups Order Overview Supplier Update Utility