Buying Groups (e.g. Access, PBL, Rangatira) have a different list of items available for special buys each month. An order which consists ONLY of the lines on the current month’s list will receive a discount.
You can download the list each month and then create an order for the buying group.
Downloading Buying Group Product List
At the beginning of each month, after running the monthly update, go to Supplier Updates to download the latest price files from the buying group:1. Go to Tools, Supplier Update, select the Buying Group. (Check the file date is current). Select ‘OK’. Ensure the following options are ticked:
a. Make Preferred Supplier,
b. Update Supplier Cost
c. Update Partcode
d. Update barcode
e. Update Real cost (If you want to use this group’s cost as the real cost)
f. (Note: Do not update list costs unless you are passing the discounts onto the customer!)
2. Select ‘OK’ to get a list of the items on the Buying Group file
3. Under ‘Changed items’, select ‘Accept ALL’. (This will add the selected Buying Group as a supplier on to the stockcards).
4. Take a look at the delisted items tab and ensure that no items are listed in there. If they are remove the supplier from the stockcard. Repeat these steps for all buying groups that you order from.
5. This step is optional: if you want to you could also select the ‘New Items’ tab, this lists the items available from the buying group which currently does not exist in your stockfile. If you want to stock a certain item listed here, highlight it and select ‘Accept Highlighted’. This will create a new stockcard for this item in the stockfile.
6. Go to Orders and create your 1st of the month major order for your main wholesaler.
7. When the order appears on the screen click on split preferred and select all buying groups you order from.
8. Select ‘OK’, the order will then be split into separate orders for the supplier(s) selected. The items are assigned to the different suppliers according to which preferred supplier is set up in the stockcards. i.e. You will now have an order for your main wholesale and one order for each of your buying groups.
9. Correct the orders as required and send.
Related Topics Supplier Update Utility Order, Splitting