Order, Overview


[Revised May 2013]


For modem  & internet ordering RxOne can pick up the electronic invoices from the suppliers. This usually matches the paper invoice you'll get with the delivered goods. There are two tabs on the order screen: 'Orders' and 'Invoices'. The 'Orders' tab shows all the orders that have been created which are waiting to be transmitted or have been transmitted. The 'Invoices' tab shows all the invoices received or created.

Modem / Internet Orders

Creating and Transmitting Modem /Internet Orders

Create and transmit your order as usual.

Electronic Invoices (Answerbacks)/Acknowledged Orders

After transmitting the order, an electronic invoice/s will be received and it will be displayed on the invoice tab. The order will remain on the orders page with status as 'Acknowledged'. This' Acknowledged order' will disappear when all the invoices associated with that order have been delivered.

The corresponding invoice will show you the quantity that will be dispatched (inv qty), price changes, out of stocks (os), backorders and second source items.

Delivery of an order must be done on the invoice (See 'Delivery of an Order' below).

Note: For some suppliers e.g. ProPharma, the electronic invoice number will match either the invoice number or the order number on their paper invoice. For other suppliers, the order date will be on the paper invoice.

After transmitting an order, sometimes there may be a delay with the wholesalers sending back an electronic invoice (answerback). On the order screen, if the status of the order changes from 'New' to "Ordered", this means the wholesaler has received your order but is still creating the invoice. The computer will retry a few times to collect this invoice and then stop if the wholesaler still has not sent the invoice back. If the status remains as "Ordered" when you want to deliver, click on "Request answerback" to collect the invoice before delivering.

Out of Stocks

1. If no backorder system is set up with the wholesaler:

Out of stock (o/s) items will have their invoice quantities (inv qty) zeroed. The computer will automatically generate a new order for the same supplier and the order will be named 'Order xxx Answerback' with the out of stock items on it. The state will say "not supplied' as the supplier has not put it on order for you. With these answerbacks, you can either:

a) add these items to the next created order by ticking the option 'Add answerback/out of stock from previous orders' when creating a new order; or

b) change the supplier name and order it from another supplier.

Note: the answerbacks may also contain items that have been discontinued or have an invalid pharmacode. It's important you take a look at these and deal with them accordingly.  

2. If you have a Backorder and/or a Second Source system set up with the wholesaler:

You will get a main invoice and also separate invoices for the back order and second source items. The invoices with the backorder and second sourced items on it will respectively have ‘B’ or ‘S’ at the end of the invoice number.  

The backorders and second source items will remain on the corresponding acknowledged order and will show an invoice quantity (inv qty) as zero. There will be a note in the comment column to indicate it is on backorder or second source. You should deliver these items from the corresponding 'B' or 'S' invoice.

Changed Prices on Invoice (see later for Price Update Options)

If the price received back from the wholesaler differs from your computer List Cost then it will appear on the invoice in a different colour:  Blue for a price decrease and Red for a price increase.

If you have 'Save Costs/Retails' ticked under 'Price Update Options'*, it will save these changes when you deliver the items. (*You can preset these options. See below Price Update Options - Set Up).

You can change any of the price fields manually so long as 'Save Costs/Retail' under 'Price Update Options' are ticked. To change the values, simply left mouse click on the cell that you wish to change.

LC  stands for ‘List Cost’

RC  stands for ‘Real Cost’

First of all you need to check that you have the right settings for your Price Update from your Invoice by going to ‘Price Update Settings’ from an acknowledged invoice. This is to determine what type of costs you wish to save when there’s a change. Once the options are set, this will appeared in Yellow at the top of  the invoice screen.

Any price increase will show in RED and price decrease will show in BLUE

You can then tick the individual box to update each cost or update all costs and retails by ticking all 3 boxes to save any price changes

Old prices and retails can be seen by hovering your mouse over each price column if you wish to compare with the old prices

Three columns show what price changes are being updated/ saved

On the invoice screen, there are three columns with check boxes:  ‘Save LC’, ‘Save RC’, ‘Save Retail’. These will show what is being updated if there has been a price change. These boxes are ticked according to your ‘Preset Settings’ for each supplier. The ‘fields’ that will be save are ticked and highlighted in yellow.

This change allows more flexibility for you to deal with the prices for each individual line as you wish. You can override the preset settings for an item by ticking or un ticking the boxes.

If you do a manual change to any of the price boxes (e.g. List cost or Real cost or Retail), RxOne will automatically tick the ‘Save LC’ or ‘Save Retail’ or ‘Save Real cost’ respectively as it is assumed you want to change the stock card when the item is delivered.

If the invoice quantity is zero, no price changes will occur.


Delivering Internet Orders

Delivery of an order has to be done on the invoice.

When stock comes in, go to the invoice tab and find the matching invoice/order number then deliver the items from this invoice.

When you are in the invoice, you can either:

- 'Deliver Order' to deliver the whole order or

- 'Deliver Selected items' or

- 'Scan to Deliver' i.e. scan the product's barcode and it will find the item on the order for you.

If an item has 'Don't Update SOH' ticked in the stockcard, the SOH will not be updated for that item.

If you don’t want to update the prices for a specific invoice, on that invoice at the bottom of the screen untick the 'Update Prices' option. It will then not update the prices for that invoice only.  

Faxed Orders

Creating a Faxed Order

Create an order as usual and fax it to the supplier.

Once the order has been faxed, go to the order and change the state of the order to 'Ordered'. You can do this by highlighting the order and then select 'Change state to Ordered / faxed'.

Delivering a Faxed Order

When the order arrives, go to the order, highlight it, then 'Edit' or right-mouse click and select 'Change state to Acknowledged'. Enter the Invoice Number in the box prompt. This will then take you to the invoice.

From the invoice you are free to change any of the price/markup fields. ('Save Costs/Retail' under Price Update Options has to be ticked for these manual changes to save.)

To change the values, left mouse click on the cell that you wish to change. After making the necessary changes, deliver the order.

Editing Orders

Editing is done on the order screen for new orders and ordered/faxed orders.

If an order has been acknowledged, then the editing must be done on the Invoice and not on the Acknowledged Order.

Split Order By Best Price or By Preferred Suppliers

After creating an order, you can select 'Split Preferred' and this will give you an option to either split by Best Price or by Preferred Suppliers. e.g. After creating the first of month order for your wholesaler, you can choose to split this order to other suppliers that are offering you a better price or you can split the order to other 'direct/preferred' suppliers.

To View Completed Orders/Delivered Invoices

- Click on 'View Completed' and select either the 'Orders' or 'Invoice' tab

To view a specific completed order, go to 'View', 'View Specific Completed Order' and type in the order number

- To go back to current Orders/Invoices, click on 'Current Orders/Invoices'.

Price Update Options

How price changes are dealt with are preset in the Suppliers Utility for each individual supplier under 'Price Update Options'.

To check if your options for updating cost/retail are correct for each wholesaler/supplier, from the RxOne Start Menu either:

a) Go to Orders, click on File, 'Supplier Settings' - highlight a supplier then select 'Modify' OR

b) Go to Tools, Utilities, Supplier Utilities, Modify Suppliers - highlight a supplier then select ‘Modify’, OR

c) Go to Orders, ‘Create Order’ and on the ‘Create New Order’ screen choose a supplier/wholesaler, then go up to Edit and select ‘Change supplier details’.

Check that ‘Options when Delivering Invoices’ are as you would like them.

For example:

i)   General Wholesalers: if you want to always update the wholesaler’s new list cost and recalculate the retail based on the new list cost, you’ll need to tick: ‘Save New List Cost to Stockcard’ and ‘Save New Retail to Stockcard’.  This will update both increased and decreased list costs and change the retail based on your markup. If you only want to update the new increases, then also tick ‘Save List Cost Increases Only’. There is an option to 'Save Real Cost' as well.

ii)  Special buying groups e.g. Vantage, Access Buying Group, where you do not want to lower the list cost or retail price. You’ll need to make sure ‘Save New List Cost to Stockcard' and ‘Save New Retail to Stockcard’ are UNticked. You may want to tick 'Save Real Cost. If this is ticked, it will put the supplier's list cost into the Real Cost box in the stockcard.

While in an invoice you can also check what options have been set by clicking on 'Price Update Options'.

Hint: Price Update Options Set Up - when changing to New Orders tick 'Reset Update Settings' on the Supplier Utilities screen. This will automatically tick 'Save New List Cost', 'Save New Real Cost' and 'Save New Retail' on ALL the suppliers as the default. You could then change the options on selected suppliers (eg. Vantage) to different defaults.

Multi-location transfers

When transferring out to another stock location, tick ‘Transfer out’ and ‘Transfer to Another Stock Location’, then select the location you want to transfer to. When select 'Transmit’/’Transfer’ on that order, the stock will be taken out of your location and will be directly added to into the stock location you are transferring to. (i.e. the Stock on Hand is adjusted in both locations when you select ‘Transmit/Transfer’).

Related Topics

Creditors File Ordering from Buying Groups Price Options When Delivering Invoices Inter-branch Transfer Orders, Splitting - Preferred and Best price Supplier_Notes