Order, Creditor


Creditors File /Order Invoice

 The creditor file shows the amount owing to creditors and the GST content for a chosen period. To keep a record of the values of the invoices, switch this function on from 'Settings', 'Order Settings', 'Delivered Orders to Creditors File'. When delivering an invoice you will then be prompted to enter the invoice cost and invoice GST (from the hard copy invoice from your wholesaler), which will then be saved to the 'Creditors File'.

 To enter a 'Creditors File' entry at any point, go to menu 'Tools', 'Add Transaction to Creditors File'.

 To view the 'Creditors File', go to menu 'Tools', 'View Creditors File', and select the time period you wish to view (Supplier Invoices), then 'OK'.


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Order Overview