[Revised Oct 04].
This Windows pharmacy software has been in use since 1995, and its predecessors such as QuickScript, Checkout, and the Lockie C64 programs, since 1983 in thousands of pharmacies around the world.
We do try hard to supply good reliable software that satisfies your needs, and generally we succeed. If you have a problem, whether caused by us, you, or someone else, we will do our best to help you solve it and this help is (within reason), included in the monthly support fee.
But we do not guarantee that the computer will always do everything right, pick up every interaction, or that we will foresee every problem.
Our software is good by industry standards, but complex software is never perfect. You are the one pressing the keys, you are the professional on the spot, and you must use professional judgement... the computer is only a machine and will not be perfect.
WARNING. We promise our best efforts but do not guarantee to achieve perfection. It is important that all users realise that we will not compensate them or anyone else for any mistake we might make. If this is unacceptable to you (see link below) to you, then you must immediately make other arrangements for your computing requirements.
If we do a 'one off' modification for you, we retain all Intellectual Property rights and copyright for the whole package including your modifications. Under no circumstances does a user acquire any Intellectual Property rights to anything we do, even if they have paid to have it done.
Until 30 September 1999 this software was developed by Parklea Software Ltd (trading as Lockie Computing). From 1st October 1999 development was taken over by HealthSoft Ltd for the NZ market and later HealthSoft Australia Ltd for the Australian market. These three companies together with their Distributors and Agents are hereafter known as "The Suppliers"
Fitness for purpose.
This Pharmacy Software was written by 'The Suppliers', in accordance with then current software industry accepted standards of good practice. When correctly installed on reliable hardware, and used by a competent operator, the software is warranted to be reasonably 'fit for purpose' of providing its major designed services of labelling, record keeping and pricing for New Zealand, Australian and UK community pharmacies.
But note! the software is a complex product, and it is specifically not warranted to be bug (error) free See 'Program Errors, Bugs ... link below) for bug reporting. This is a standard product and it is not warranted that it precisely fits the needs of any particular user.
12 month limited warranty
If the software as supplied by 'The Suppliers', when correctly installed on reliable hardware and used by a competent operator, does not perform its major intended functions, and this is advised within 12 months of initial installation, with sufficient detail for a fault to be demonstrated, then the suppliers will use their best efforts to correct any error and provide a corrected copy at no charge to the user.
There is no warranty or representation that the software will result in a correct result in every situation. The purchaser of this product agrees that the suppliers make no representation or guarantee regarding the data displayed or output from the product, or what use the purchaser may put this to, or how this product may perform in the future.
In no event shall the suppliers or distributors, be liable to the purchaser or any party for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, arising out of the use of or inability to use this software, even if the suppliers have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In the event that any liability is alleged or awarded in any forum, the purchaser agrees that such liability will be limited to the price the purchaser paid for this software product.
The purchaser is warned that the statements made in the manual or help screens may be inaccurate due to typographical or other errors or subsequent modification of the products. While care has been taken in the production of text, no warranty of accuracy or reliability is given in relation to any information contained in this publication and no responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever arising in any way for any representation, act or omission whether express or implied (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence) is accepted by the suppliers.
By using or continuing to use this computer program, you agree to be legally bound by the terms of this Agreement.
Licence Agreement
Parklea Software Ltd, HealthSoft Ltd, and HealthSoft Australia Ltd grant to the purchaser of the licence-to-use, the right to use one copy of this software program on one computer at a time. Plus one extra unit may be networked for each 'Slave' licence held.
1. If the existing owner of the licence sells the business, the software licence will be transferred to the new owner at no charge providing the business continues to operate at the same address.
2. If the existing owner moves the business, the licence will be transferred to the new address at no charge providing the ownership of the business remains unchanged.
Except for these two situations, the license-to-use is not transferrable.
Ownership and copyright of the software and associated documentation remains with HealthSoft Ltd. The licensed user may make up to three copies of the software for archival or backup purposes. The license-to-use entitles the user to use the software for the purposes of running a community pharmacy at the registered address. Any excess copies or other usage is in violation of the copyright.
'One off' Modifications
On occasion 'The Suppliers' may make 'one off' modifications, or include some feature as a result of user request. Even if the user pays part or all of the cost of this work, Intellectual property and copyright in these modifications remain with HealthSoft Ltd.
Conditions of use
This software is designed to be used under the supervision of professionally qualified pharmacists who will check its output before release to the patient. Drug Interactions (see link below) and other information to assist the pharmacist will often, but not always, be given and the pharmacist must at all times rely on their own judgement and experience as to the correctness of the computer's advice or lack of advice.
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