[Revised Nov 04].
Analyses stock to find items with unusual figures on the stock cards. Some of these will be genuinely unusual items, but most will be errors in entry.
Commonly used to detect data entry errors before they affect other reports. E.g. an item with the PLU/PDE entered on the cost line by mistake will have an unusually high and incorrect cost, which will affect profit and stock value reports.
Always run this report, and fix any errors detected, before the end-of-year stock list for the accountant, or if stock values seem unreasonable.
To report on 'Unusual cards'
1. From the RxOne Start Menu, Reports. Or, from the Main Menu, Windows, Reports.
2. 'Unusual cards report' .
Double clicking on a line will take you directly into the stockcard and allow you to make changes to the stockcard.
E.g. if cost is more than retail there is usually a wrong price, and you are going to want to change it so can now do so directly. When you exit out of that stockcard, it will take you back to the list of unusual cards. Refresh will refresh that screen, so that the items that have been corrected will no longer show.
Trigger points for 'unusual' card
Unusual SOH (< 0 or > 9999)
Both cost and retail are zero
Cost is great than retail
Unusual Retail ( < 0 or > $9999)
Unusual Packsize ( < 1)
Unusual Extended Cost (SOH x cost price > $5000)
Unusual Extended Month to Date (Expected MTD x packsize < 0 or >2500)
Unusual Month to Date (< 0 or > 7500)
Unusual SOH (> 50 x expected MTD)
Items with -999 or greater -ve SoH are suppressed, as it is assumed that these are not being stock controlled and thus the SoH figure is meaningless.
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