Report, Dead/Overstock items


[Revised Mar 15]


Analyses stock to find the dead, or overstocked, items. Can be selected by various criteria and can exclude items of low value to avoid clogging the report with irrelevant items. Shows "months to sell' for overstock items, at current rate of sale. 'Infinite' months means incalculable, in excess of 99 months.


Commonly used to check for stock that is not performing and which might need to be specialled and discontinued. In the case of dispensary stock a list could be circulated to nearly pharmacies for assistance with disposal.


To report

1. From the 'RxOne' 'start menu' Reports. Or, from the Main Menu, Windows, Reports.

2. 'Overstock/dead stock report' .

3. Various choices and filters are available. Select those required, then Next to move on until Finished selecting.


The Export button can be used to export the report and save it either to the computer hard drive or the flash drive, once the items to show have been selected and the report has been generated.


Note -  How to deal with "expired stock". Change the SoH in the stockcard and a pop up will ask for a reason - add the reason.


Related topic

Script statistics (detailed)

Stock list/value

Best/worst items

Unusual stock items report