Report, Stock list and Value


[Revised Nov 10]


Lists any required type of stock, showing PLU/PDE, name, Stock on Hand, Stock on Order, Cost per unit, Extended cost, and totals for the category at cost and retail.

Can be selected by Supplier, product group etc, for either shop or dispensary, or both.


You can also check stock value in retrospect by choosing the appropriate period.


Commonly used for end-of-year stock list for accounting purposes, or to check the value of particular suppliers stock, etc.


For rolling stocktakes, use the specific Rolling stocktake system.


To report

1. From the RxOne Start Menu' Reports. Or, from the Main Menu, Windows, Reports.

2. 'Stock list and Value' .

4. Various choices and filters are available. Select those required, then Next to move on until Finished selecting.


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Best/worst items

Report, Script statistics (detailed)

Unusual stock items