SmartClaim, Missing scripts


[Revised May 04]



Scripts can be 'missing' in two senses;


1. Scripts missing from both exception report and the claim

The Options menu in the SmartClaim module allows 'Under s'net' and 'NSS' scripts to be excluded from the Exception report if the user wishes. This avoids clutter from these correctly excluded scripts, but can lead the user to think these scripts are missing if they do not know this option is selected.

Phoned scripts always appear on the exception report.

- If they are unticked, they will appear on the next claim if claimable.

- If under s'net cutoff or NSS they will correctly remove from the exception report when 'phoned' is unticked, and not appear on the next claim.


2. Script forms physically missing

If in the middle of the claim there is one script for which the script form is missing, there are some known, and probably some as yet unknown, causes.

Situations that are known to have occurred are;

- Phoned scripts not flagged as 'phoned', and so are claimed while the script form is away for signing when the claim is sent in, hence 'missing'.

- Owing scripts not flagged in RxOne as 'owing', and so claimed while the script form is on a separate clip awaiting the arrival of the owing drugs, hence 'missing'.

- Return to prescriber. If a script lacks signature or requires some kind of correction, and is sent back to the prescriber, it should be marked as 'phoned script'. Even though it was not phoned but the original was received, until the corrected copy is received back from the prescriber this is in effect a 'phoned script'.

- Lost script Previous to SmartClaim, pharmacies would not necessarily know when a script form was lost;

- Blew into the rubbish;

- Was taken back by the patient while the pharmacist's attention was distracted etc.

These situations are presumably rare, but must happen.


Related topic

SmartClaim, Making a claim