Options, Major


[Revised Apr 2014]



Minor options that apply to a specific section are displayed from within that section by selecting Options at the top of the screen.

Major system options are set from the Options utility.


To set major options

- From the RxOne Start Menu, select Tools then Options.

- Or, from the main Dispensing screen, Windows, Options.


The major options are on eight panels containing major settings. After changing a line, press <enter> or <tab> to move off the line and then when you exit, all details are recorded.



Sets the pricing fees and markups for all scripts and OTC dispensing. The user has complete control. Each of the items such as 'Base Services' 'OTC' 'NSS',  'Under s/net', 'Premium' and many others allow the user to set the markup and PSF according to their own DHB contract. Container fees and Safety cap fees can be added (but are not paid under most DHB contracts so should be set to zero in this case to avoid variances in your claim).

Note that the 'Base Services' fees,’ Mixture (ECP)’, ’Special Foods’, ‘Exceptional C A’, ‘Exceptional C B Services’, ‘Class B CD1’, ‘Monitored Therapy’, ‘Complex Med’ and ‘Aseptic Services’ Mark-ups and Professional Services Fees must be set to correctly reflect your contract  so that RxOne can calculate the safety net cut off and calculate the expected pay-out from the Ministry of Health (Sector Services). It does NOT calculate  the amount actually paid since this is recalculated by MoH'. They do NOT pay the amount claimed unless they agree.


Variances will occur on every claimed item if the fees are not set correctly.

Stock Cards have a DHB Pricing option on the 'Indication' so you can default certain drugs to the correct price option for claim estimates and general statistics.  HealthSoft will update those cards in the master drug file as appropriate in the monthly update but you can change if required.  For your own cards (blue indications) you can set the default to whatever you want.

Note as above that each of the items such as  'OTC' 'NSS',  'Under s/net', 'Premium', etc  and many others allow the user to set the their own markup,and PSF according to their own DHB contract. Container fees and Safety cap fees can be add to these non-DHB pricing options. (but are not paid under most DHB contracts so should be set to zero to avoid variances in your claim).


The 'Wholesaler markup' is used to calculate back from list cost to schedule cost for CBS drugs, etc.It should usually be set to 10%.


Reprice under fee NSS.

There are 2 methods of handling under s'net NSS script repricing.

1) If set to 'SS plus Premium', any script which carries over the safety net cut-off when repriced on the 'Under fee NSS' markups will be cut back to the s'net cut off.

Eg, for a $15 patient, a script that is $14 on SS rules and so is repriced and comes out at $17 will be cut back to a patient charge of $15.

- If set to 'Cost plus markup', the price will be left at whatever it reaches. If there is a premium on the item, that will be added to the patient price.

Eg, the script above will be charged out to the patient at $17.




Sets yes/no options.

Generate a form sticker causes one additional label to be printed for each prescription form, with the script number etc, for applying to the script form. This is redundant for those using three-part labels as the third part has similar information.

Yellow Buttons shows in yellow the next logical button to press in the process.

Enable Surge/Plunge Forecasting is for use in pharmacies where sales/scripts surge dramatically from one month to the next.

Print phoned scripts immediately determines the time of printing. If ticked phoned scripts will be printed as soon as the script is finished. If unticked then you need to go and print them later from 'Print Duplicate'

Manual Debtors Rollover allows debtors to be rolled over at a time that is manually controlled by the user

Hospital specifies that this pharmacy is able to dispense 'HP1 hospital only' drugs on SS, and price accordingly. Most common 'hospital only' drugs are now maintained in the system by the monthly update, and more can be added by the user if required. Tick this option only if the pharmacy has a ‘HP1’ contract. E.g. Hospital pharmacies.  

PCT Claim is only for Hospital pharmacies with a special Pharmaceutical Cancer Treatment contract.. i.e. ‘PCT only’ contract. (Note: do not tick this if the pharmacy just has a PCT contract. PCT only contracts are for DHB Hospital Pharmacies only).  

Enable Medsafe - tick to create a MedSafe file containing the Controlled Drug dispensings in claims. This is sent in with the normal claim files.   

Auto Download Monthly Update -if this is set the monthly update will automatically happen early in the morning (around 2am) on  the first of the month. The Debtors will also rollover (unless manual Debtors rollover is ticked) and the stockcard forecasting will run too. On the last working day of the month, the Master computer must be left on at Desktop screen for this to work.

Send IMMP automatically - your IMMP ID also needs to be entered under ‘Reports’, ‘Other Reports’, ‘eIMMP Report’

Enable Multiple Stock Location allows a different site to be added (if the same Db is to be used for more than one site)

Advanced Email Settings are on this tab. These are used for sending emailed files. e.g. email statements.

Owings ready in x days - this is for Drugs owing. You can set the computer to automatically print an 'Owings note' on labels for ‘owings’. To switch on, go to the daily log screen in dispensary, select ‘Options’, ‘Print Options’, ‘Print Owing label’. This will print a label with the drug name and quantity owing and also will advise that the medicine will be available on XXMMYY. The default date for this is 5 days after dispensing. This default can be changed here in Options, Switchboard.

Enable TestSafe Pharmacy  - When this is ticked 2 other  boxes will appear:

- ‘Send TestSafe from this machine’  - only one of the RxOne computers should have this option ticked.

-‘Send Test Safe Overnight – only tick this on slow computers and if sending TestSafe data during the day is inconvenient. If this option is ticked then that computer  must be left on every night to send the TestSafe data.


Other Options on this tab are self-explanatory.



Specifies the SS patient charges and residual payments for various patient categories. These are user-accessible to allow for sudden changes in Govt. policy. You also set 'Average Sundries' to be applied to all rxs here and there is an option to include the average sundry on repeats.

There are 2 tabs, 'Main Charges' and 'Other Charges'

Main Charges

S/NET = Patient Co-payment

Residual = Exempt Patient Co-payment

Average Sundries – can be set up for a particular script category.  There is an option to include Average Sundries on repeats.

Other Charges

Sundry options (Specific Sundry) – sundries that can be added to an individual script when specified during dispensing.  To set up a sundry,  select ‘Add a Sundry’ and define the sundry and the fee. E.g. use for extra services provided for patients that are not reimbursed by the State Agencies. Eg; faxed scripts, delivery, chasing up prescribers for missing medications, etc.  

Extra Fee Per script  - an option  to auto-charge an ‘Extra Fee Per Script’ for selected patients or group of patients. E.g. Charging extra fee per script for “Depot” patients. Different fees can be set up, but only one fee can be auto charged to a patient.


POS Settings

The settings on this tab are mostly self-explanatory

Rounding Settings  refers to rounding of retail prices, up, down, nearest. The figure to round to, 0.05, 0.10 etc, is specified on the 'Prices' panel.

‘Round on Cash Only’ – if this option is unticked the rounding will occur at stockcard level i.e. the retail prices will be a multiple of the lowest coinage i.e. 10c.

- if this option is ticked, the rounding will occur at sales level when doing cash sales. The final cash total is rounded. (Cheque, credit card, eftpos and account sales are not rounded).

Integrated Eftpos, Ezi-Pay, Psychological Pricing and Fly Buys are set up from this tab. Contact HealthSoft for registration of these.

Customer Cards



Enable Partcode Lookup - if you are using partcodes make sure you have this switched on. This allows you to search for the products by Partcodes in Sales, Orders and Stockcards.

Auto-Add barcode if successfully found in 8 seconds

Wholesaler Rebate Percentage allows adjustments to reflect the rebate you get from your wholesalers

Enable DispLink allows RxOne POS to integrate with a different Dispensing System



Head Office

Has all the settings for Head Office. A Head Office licence is required for this feature.



Messages can be added to the top or the bottom of a Dispensary receipt or a POS docket or a Gift voucher.

From the RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, Options, Message tab. Add a message under Disp Receipt.

Message on receipts. If space permits, any message entered in this box will be printed on receipts. "Now open Saturday", "Thank you for shopping with us." Etc. To wipe this replace it with a message consisting of a full stop '' . ''



This panel has the user registration details.

Do not change the 'protected details'; the pharmacy name, GST number, unit number or registration number, without first consulting the support service as these are involved with the anti-piracy mechanisms and the software may shut down if it detects changes.

It is safe to change the street, suburb, city, phone number, fax number and claim number, but be careful not to accidentally change one of the protected numbers while doing so.

You can also add a logo here that will print wherever a logo is designed to print.


Other Details

This tab contains options for when the drugfile is updated.

Supplier Updates can be accessed from here.

You can set the wholesaler you like 'Outers' downloaded for.


Drug Wholesaler Price – The list costs for the drug cards from our master drug file are automatically updated  by the monthly update. This field determines which price file is used to update the list cost for the drug cards. Enter in your drug wholesaler here. If nothing is entered, the Propharma file is used as the default. Note ‘real time’ prices will come through from modem or internet orders.

POS Wholesaler Price – POS prices are NOT automatically changed but require users to manually accept or reject the price changes.  This field determines which price file is used to prepare a list of variances for the user to look at and accept, reject or change as they wish before applying price changes. After running the update, you can view the list of price changes from your chosen wholesaler under ‘View POS Price Changes’ module. To enter a POS wholesaler, call our support desk for an authorisation code.


Note: POS Price changes do not have to be updated from the monthly update, ‘real time’ prices will come through from modem or internet orders.

Preferred Drug Wholesaler – Entered in your preferred drug wholesaler. This supplier will be automatically added to new drug cards from the Drug Update.