[Revised Dec 14]
While dispensing RxOne will price scripts according to the markups, dispensing fees and rules specified by the user on the major options screens.
To over-ride individual prices;
OTC price To over-ride the computer calculated patient price with the OTC price (which is cost + OTC/NSS markup + GST+ container, but no dispensing fee), and to make the item NSS, press <F6>. This also prevents the item going onto the next SmartClaim.
NSS price To make the script NSS, and override the patient price with the NSS price (which is the OTC price + OTC/NSS dispensing fee), press <F7>. This also prevents it going onto the next SmartClaim.
S'net retail To over-ride with the 'snet retail, which is similar to the NSS price but calculated using the 'Under snet' markups and fees, press <F8>. This leaves the item as SS, including any SmartClaim if appropriate.
[Functrion temporarily unavailable; Suppress Premium To suppress the Premium, and note this for any repeats of this item, press <F12>.
This function does not affect SmartClaim since the 'HealthPAC' payment excludes premiums.
'HealthPAC'User defined price is changed by using the arrows to move forward, or <shift> + <tab> to move backward, to highlight the 'Price' box on the LHS of the screen and over type the price directly. This does not affect SmartClaim.
Description of prices displayed
SS price The total price calculated according to pre 1998 SS rules for calculating whether the script is over/under the cutoff. Eg, Schedule cost + w/saler markup + SS markup + GST + SS dispensing fee + container fee less SS content of any Premium.
Subsidy price This is the total that is expected to be eventually received, including both state payout and standard patient contribution (apart from premiums). Eg, Subsidy cost (on the Drug Info tab of the stock card) + markup (Options, Prices tab) + GST + Service Fee (Options, Prices tab). This is the amount that should come from the payment agency, less any standard patient charges (but not less Premiums, which are not included in the subsidy cost.)
Cost The wholesaler's selling price to the pharmacy, without GST or prompt payment rebates being taken into account.
Normally Schedule Cost plus w/saler markup.
Subsidy cost Price as in the Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule. No markups or GST.
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