[Revised 29th October 2020 VD]
Starting the 'Point Of Sale' module
- From the RxOne Home Screen select the 'Sales' tile
The Point Of Sale may also be started quickly from the main screen of the Dispensary/Stock Cards and Orders by selecting the 'Window Menu' and 'Sales'. The quick key for this is <F2>.
Print receipt prints a receipt of whatever sale is highlighted at the time. There is no limit on how far you can go back.
New Sale leads into the sales screen.
There is an option to “Show New Sale Screen as Default”, if ticked whenever you go into Sales for finish a sale, the computer will automatically go to the RxOne New Sale screen so you can do start doing a new sale. This bypasses the main sale screen (the screen that shows today’s sales log). If you want to go back to the main sale screen, press <Esc> to escape to main sales screen.
Salesperson ID is optional.
- If switched on, identify staff member by a short password, usually one letter. Sales person ID can be switched on/off from 'Options' and 'Identify staff member' ticked or unticked.
Selling shop items. Scan the barcode, or look up under Pharmacode (PDE, PLU or SKU) or product name. Move to the quantity box and enter quantity if not 'one'. If selling two of an item by barcode, it is usually faster to just scan it twice.
To change retail price on stockcard during a sale: In the retail price field, enter new price followed by the letter 'p'. This will change the price on the stockcard to the value entered.
Selling prescription items. Scan the receipt barcode from the dispensary which will bring up all items on the script, or type in Rx followed by the number, eg, rx123456 which will bring up just the one item. The Dispensary screen will change from 'collected = No' to 'collected = Yes' for these items next time it is refreshed.
You can also add a script to a sale by typing in “ /surname” in the item field, where 'surname' is the patient name on the rx. Then you can highlight the scripts you want added to the sale, or Ctrl+A to add all the scripts from the list to the sale.
Selling unknown items. If an item cannot be found, RxOne will prompt to press <f4> to accept as 'unknown' and ask for the retail price. Alternatively, you can go up to Edit and select 'Add Unknown Item'. Enter the details of the item under 'Stock Item' and enter the price under 'Retail'.
Deleting items before sale totalled. Highlight the item using the cursor keys, and press the <del> key.
Returning items after sale totalled. 'Sell' the item with a negative quantity, eg, '-1 Redoxon'. Returned and sold items can be mixed in the same sale. This is not a security risk since full audit records are kept. For bulk returns during a general recall, see separate topic below.
Discounts are described in a separate topic, <-- click on green word.
Price over-ride is described in a separate topic, <-- click on green word.
Total keys to finish sale
Many methods are provided to suit the needs of individual pharmacies. Quick Payment Keys for use when the payment is for the exact amount (no change or split payments).
Cash sale. Press <F12> or <+> key on the numeric keypad for convenience. This defaults to 'cash sale', so if this is correct just press <enter> key.
EFTPOS <F11> will do an 'EFTPOS sale' without cashout.
Cheque sale <F9> will do a 'cheque sale' without change.
Other payment <F8> will do a 'other payment sale'.
Account sale (debtor) <F7> will do an 'account sale'.
Calculating Change.
If you wish RxOne to calculate the change then:
Press the '+' key to total the sale. The focus will be set to 'Cash'.
Use the cursor keys to highlight the payment type and type in the amount tendered.
Press <enter>.
Press the '+' key to total the sale. The focus will be set to 'Cash'.
If you are to give 'cash out' of $50.00, type this in the 'cash' box as a negative number, eg, -50.00.
Use the arrow keys to move to the payment form (usually EFTPOS).
RxOne will calculate the correct value for you.
Press <enter>.
The EFTPoS machine can be separate or integrated, click on these to see 'how to use'.
Cash Out without purchase.
Do a sale with no item sold. Enter down to the CASH field. Enter in the qty as -50.00 (or what ever value the cash is)
Enter down to the EFTPOS field. Enter the qty as 50.00.
Total the sale using the + key.
The transaction will show on the screen as a cash out; you can also do a cash out by just entering the amount in the EFTPOS field as a positive value.
Split Payments.
If the payment is split between more than one form of payment then:
Press the '+' key to total the sale. The focus will be set to 'Cash'.
Use the arrow keys to highlight each payment type needed and type in the amount tendered.
When the payments equal or exceed the amount required the sale will finish.
Sales 'on hold' is described in a separate topic <-- click on green word.
Abandoning a Sale
Press 'Escape' (the 'Esc' key on the keyboard).
the RxOne will ask you if you wish to place the sale on hold
Select 'No'.
Related topic