[May 2000]
- Payment credited but wrong on '2 month overdue' etc.
Usually caused by payments being entered as 'Journal entries' rather than 'received on a/c'. The system applies all payments received to the oldest amounts owing, and journal entries to the current month (as is correct practice). If payments are handled this way a fully paid up account may show $25.00 owing for 3/12 and (negative) -$25.00 owing for 2/12.
Payments such as 'Direct Credits' and 'Auto payments' which come in a bank account should still be put through as 'Received on a/c' .
-Statement number missing
-'MTD' appears in place of number
- Items apparently missing
- Amount bought forward doesn't balance
These can all be correct if statements were printed before a month is finished.
If statements are printed with 'MTD' selected, then;
- There will be no statement number, just the words 'Month to date' since the month is not closed off yet.
- Details of transactions done after the MTD printout will NOT appear on the statement (since it was printed before they occurred) and will not appear on next month's statement either (since they belong to what will be last month). They will therefore appear to be lost as they appear nowhere. However, no money will be lost as the balance carried forward will include them, leading to
- The 'Amount owing' on the previous statement not equalling the 'Balance of last statement' on the next statement, which is very upsetting to customers.
Taken together, these points can falsely make it seem that there are serious errors in the debtors system and for this reason printing before EoM is not recommended.
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