[Revised Aug07]
Debtor rollover is automatically performed during the End of Month and requires no user intervention.
If you wish to have this done automatically overnight, switch on 'Rollover Overnight' ... from RxOne Start menu, Options, Switchboard, and tick 'Overnight Monthly Rollover' . This only has to be done once, it will remember in future, and if you're open on the last day of the month it will remind you to leave the master running overnight.
Debtor Statements can be printed at any time for any month, even after the rollover. It is not necessary to print statements before the rollover and transactions that have occurred since the start of the new month will not be included in last month's statement
Debtors cannot be rolled back.
Manual Rollover
If you don't wish the debtors to roll over automatically each month then, go to Tools, Options, Switchboard and tick "Manual Debtors Rollover" (you only need to do this once).
Then to do a Debtors rollover you will need to go to Debtors, Tools menu then 'Rollover' each time you want a debtors rollover.
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