[Revised Aug 15]
Balances can be viewed at any time for any period.
To view Balance from POS terminal
At the time of a sale enter the account customer.
From the Edit menu select 'Add/Modify account details'
The month to date balance is displayed on this screen along with any overdue amounts for this customer.
To view Balance from Dispensary
Bring up the patient / customer.
Press 'F7' to Edit the account details
The month to date balance is displayed on this screen along with any overdue amounts for this customer.
To print account balance on PoS docket
Switch on in 'Sales', 'Option', 'Receipts After Sale', 'Show Account Balance'.
To view balances within the Debtors module
Individual Account(s)
RxOne Start Menu, Debtors,
Select to view an 'Individual Account(s)'
Check the 'Load MTD Balance'
Click OK
Type in the name of the account and select it from the list. Note: you can select more than account one from the list. And deal with just those selected. eg. Your may wish to select all the 'Smith' customers so that you are able to work on these accounts only without seeing the other accounts at all.
This will load the selected account(s) and their current MTD balance onto the main list. From here you can access the individual customers statements as normal.
The ‘Aged Balance’ part of the statement displays:
• Overdue – this includes all overdue balances from previous months
• Current – this is the current balance
All Accounts
Note: this option can be slow if you have a large number of accounts setup.
RxOne Start Menu, Debtors,
Select to view an 'Individual Account(s)'
Check the 'Load MTD Balance'
Click OK
This will load all accounts in the system and their balances onto the main screen.
Previous months' balance
With the balance displayed on the main list of Debtors you can select the 'Statement date' at the Top RHS corner of the screen. This will load the balance for the displayed accounts for the selected statement date.
The balances are displayed, and can be printed out using the 'Print' button
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