[Nov 06]
This allows you to bulk add a text in front of the Trade names or at the back of the Trade names for a group of stockcards. For example you can use this to add 'Rev' in front of 'Lipstick red', 'Lipstick pink' etc to denote they are Revlon lipsticks. To do this, in 'Bulk Stock Edit Utility', select the items you want to add the prefix to. Tick the 'Set Prefix' box and the type in 'Rev'. This will add 'Rev' in front of the product name so becomes 'Rev Lipstick Red' etc.
To add a suffix in bulk, tick set suffix and type in the suffix you want to add.
You can use this utility to bulk pseudo-delete a bunch of discontinued products by typing in ZZ as the prefix so the cards will change to 'ZZTradename'. For more about pseudo-deleting, see Stock Item, Deleting
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