[Revised Mar 2014]
Allows Suppliers, Product Groups and Product Classes to be modified across a large number of cards at the same time.
Changing stock information in bulk is a powerful feature, and thus potentially able to do a lot of damage if you get it wrong. Always look through all the items in the list before changing them, make a backup, and check immediately after the bulk change whether the effect is what you want while there is still time to 'restore' the old file.
Selecting the stock cards required to 'Bulk edit';
From the 'RxOne' Start Menu, Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, then 'Bulk Stock Edit Utility'.
You will be asked to "Select Stock Cards To Bulk Edit" and can select stock cards by Supplier, Product Group, Product Class and Trade Name.
There are three basic types of criteria for each field:
- [All] Show stock regardless of this setting.
- [No Supplier/No PG/No PC] Show stock if this setting is blank.
- Supplier/PG/PC Show stock only with this setting.
Trade Name, only items which match the description will be shown. To get all items for a Supplier/PG/PC leave this blank. E.g. Kodak will bring up all items that begin with 'Kodak .....".
Use * (asterisk) for a sliding search to find an embedded trade name.
REV Selects all stock cards beginning with REV
REV LS Selects all stock cards beginning with REV that also have the letters 'LS' somewhere (anywhere) in the Trade Name.
*LS Selects all stock cards with LS somewhere (anywhere) in the Trade Name
The list of all matching cards will be displayed. This may be a very long list if you are not specific about what you want. It often takes several tries to find the criteria that selects all, and only, those cards you want. Be sure to take the time to select correctly before going ahead.
Also there is a ‘Stock Type’ added to the bulk stock edit utility. You can bring up a list of Stock Cards with DISP or POS and marked and make bulk changes. If you wish to change a ‘DISP card to a ‘POS’ card , you will also need to mark the ‘Set POS lookup’ to ‘YES’
Editing The Stock Cards
When you go into Bulk Stock Edit and select the supplier you will see three tabs
- The 'Select Option' and 'Prices and Price Options' tabs show all the options you can alter in bulk
- 'Select Items from this List' has the list of all products for the supplier you chose. You can update all at once (not recommended) or just those items you highlight (the default).
- The Stock Cards will only be selected if they meet ALL the specified criteria and therefore the defaults are for ALL Suppliers, Product Groups, Product Classes and Trade Names.
On the bottom right of the 'Bulk Stock Card Edit Utility' screen is an option 'Make Changes to'. This option indicates which items will be changed when 'Make The Changes' is pressed, at which point an option that is ticked will be applied to the relevant Stock Cards. If the option is ticked and nothing is set it will be wiped (I.e. 'Set Product Group' ticked with no Product Group selected. The Product Group setting will be blanked on the stock card.
Flagging for 'Head Office' export to branches
Search for and select the cards you wish to Bulk change, either one highlighted or all the items listed. Select the 'Select More Options Tab'. Tick the checkbox 'Set Export to'. Select "Make the Changes".
Example; Setting 'preferred supplier' on many stock cards
Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit Utility. Search for the group of cards you wish to change by Supplier, Product Group, Product Class, Club or Trade Name. Tick the box 'Preferred Supplier' (or whatever you want changed) and select the supplier from the drop down list beside. If you want to change all cards at once, select 'All Items Listed Above'. When you finish, check a few of the items you changed in Stock Cards. There should be a tick in the preferred column under the Supplier. (Remember that when making bulk changes it's a good idea to do a back up first - you will be prompted to do one when you enter this utility).
To 'Undo' changes
From the 'Edit' menu select 'Undo'.
There is one level of undo available. I.e. you can undo the last change made, but cannot undo again further back than that.
Bulk set of 'Stock on hand' for a group
To set Stock on Hand for a group of products. Go to Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit. Search for the Group of Stock items you want to
change. To set SOH click on the Select More options Tab and enter the
amount you wish to change SOH to. Select Make the Changes.
Importing Products from Zebex using Bulk Stock Edit
Scan the products you wish to make changes to using your Zebex Handheld scanning unit. You can also add retail prices if this is what you wish to change.
Go to Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit Utilities. Select Import. Make sure the correct Comm Port is selected by clicking on the 'Stocktake Unit Settings' drop down menu. Enter the number of the Comm Port.
Select 'Import' and use your Zebex instructions to download the products scanned. This will import the products to the Bulk Stock Edit Utility.
If you are choosing to update retail price you'll need to select the checkbox 'Update Retail from Scanner'. Then choose either 'Only the Highlighted Items' or 'All Items Listed Above' and make the changes.
You can also select other options on the panel at the same time e.g. change product group or print stickers.
Further Notes
Bulk Stock Edit allows multiple cards to be flagged "No Discount"- select multiple cards (using Supplier, Trade Name, Product Group, etc) and flag them "No Discount".
The "Free to End User" option is also available in Bulk Stock Edit.
Edit individual Stock Cards by double clicking the line in the Bulk Stock Edit Screen.
To bulk add suffix/prefix to tradename
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