Speed of operation


[Revised Aug 05].


Speed problems can occur on an existing system, which gradually slows down, or can exist from the start on a new system.


Temporary Existing system slow down.

Try shutting down and restarting. If speed is restored by this, the cause is probably temporary memory shortage;

- Too many programs running at once (especially multiple of a large program such as "Word for Windows"),

- Or a machine that is usually left running gradually 'leaking' memory. We strongly recommend shutting down and turning off at night.

- Or a badly behaved DOS program or Windows program 'leaking' memory.


Slowdown on change of hardware

If a Slave becomes slow after changing the Master to Windows XP, tell the help desk who will assist you to run the program 'DBClose' on all machines. (Update XP Slow Fix)


Existing system gradually slowing down.

Usually caused by lack of preventative maintenance. Do not look for any other cause until the 'scandisk' , 'compact database' and 'disk defragment' have been carried out.

Other known causes;

Hard disk fault.

Increasing slowness, not fixed by preventative maintenance, can be a sign of impending hard disk crash, so be careful to keep the backups fully up to date.

Installation history.

Everything installed on a Windows computer modifies the Windows setup in some way, and this can affect other programs. Major reductions in speed have been observed on installing some software, and even on removing the offending software the old speed does not necessarily return as the original setup is not restored in every case. Sometimes it is necessary to re-install Windows to recover the speed, which is a job for the local agent.

It is best to only load software that you really want on the machine to avoid this happening again…

use only proper commercial s/ware from reputable suppliers, and especially avoid screen savers and entertaining little utilities as they can take for themselves a higher priority than you may want, and refuse to give it up. There are also some correctly written programs, such as Microsoft Office, which have options such as fast find which regularly take control to cross index all files. Make sure that all automated background processes are turned off to avoid this.


Temporary files have accumulated, clogging the system

To clear temporary files, see separate section.


'Internet Explorer' cache

If 'Internet explorer' is installed, its cache can become congested which badly affects the system. To clear this, from within Internet Explorer;

- Select ''View' 'Internet options' 'Delete files'.



Some users make use of the 'Wallpaper' function of Windows to bring up a personal photo as the background to the Windows desktop screen.

This is normally fine but be aware that an image does occupy quite a lot of memory, typically around 1 meg. If the machine is at all short of memory this will cause it to slow down noticeably in general running. JOG files are often quite small, but are expanded to BMP files before display so either type will cause this effect. If there are speed problems, try turning off wallpaper.


Slow 'repair' of database

This function can be severely slowed down by a screen saver interfering. Turn off the screen saver or extend the time for it to cut in.


Disk nearly full

 If there is less than 100 meg of free space on the hard drive, Windows will slow down. Below 50 meg the slowdown is likely to be severe and the Database may refuse to open.

Clear TMP files first.



Certain email viruses can slow the network right down, e.g. the 'Opaserv' virus.


Internet related

Spy ware:

Spy ware that is resident on a PC and undetected can cause the computer to have some major speed issues, and that may be the only thing that a user may see as a result.


Hardware Capacitors

Slowness can also be caused by leaky capacitors on the main board, which has been seen several times. Sometimes they are just slow but stable, other times they are unstable.


Slow preparation of Script Claims

Claims normally takes less than 5 minutes to prepare. If it consistently takes longer,, compact the database before preparing.


Speed problems on a NEW SYSTEM.

The speed of Windows programs is strongly affected by the hardware. There are major differences in effective speed between different brands of computer with the same apparent specifications. This makes it impossible to be sure that a particular machine will be suitable without trying it.


Any new computer should be fast enough. On existing hardware the Pharmacy program should run at acceptable speed on a Pentium 500 or above. It will be too slow for convenient dispensing, but useable as a counselling computer, on a Pentium 266.


128meg of RAM is the minimum. Any machines below this should be expanded as extra memory usually makes more difference than a faster processor.

Hard disk

Most hard drives are fast, but make sure that any 'power saving' feature is turned off. If the disk drive goes to sleep it causes unacceptable delays for a user to have to wait for it to wake up. Power saving must be switched off both in CMOS and under "power" in the control panel, if both are provided.


Some cheaper brands of computer use the main processor and main RAM for video rather than a separate Video chip and video ram. This cripples speed of operation and is not recommended.


The hard disk cache size affects look-up performance. Machines have been seen with fake cache chips and consequently poor performance.


Some networks run much slower than others, depending on the type of network card and which network protocol is used. If a Master runs well but a Slave runs unusually slowly, a technician should check that the network is set up correctly, and if no fault is found try a different brand of network card. Subtle differences in network setup or protocol used can have a major impact on speed of the Slave.


Hardware from HealthSoft agents

HealthSoft agents set up many the pharmacy program sites, and have found from experience which hardware has proved fast and which has not. Having known, good hardware does not always prevent disk problems or configuration problems from slowing it down, but with known hardware at least it starts working correctly and is potentially able to returned to a fast state. Due to the complexity of Windows, neither our agents nor our programmers are able to predict how a particular machine will behave without trying it.



Do not look for any other cause of slow-down until the 'Preventative Maintenance' functions have all been run.


Related topics

Preventative maintenance

Temp files, Erasing