[Revised July 2015]
Specials from all the "Specials" Suppliers e.g. Specials from Amcal, Guardian & Sigma
Whenever HealthSoft is advised of specials from, for example, Amcal, Guardian and Sigma, these are processed and put onto the web for downloading at sites.
From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Update, Download Supplier and Specials Files.
From all "Specials" Suppliers:
1. Go to the RxOne Start Menu and select Specials.
2. Select ‘All Specials’ and press OK.
3. Select ‘Import Specials’, ‘Add Brand’, choose the selected brand (this only needs to be done the very first time) and then select ‘Import Special From File’.
4. Enter the name of the special and click OK.
5. The programme will automatically look for the files on your desktop in the appropriate order, just select Open, then Open again.
6. Highlight the Special and select ‘Import Special’:
• If you want to add all the items into specials, select ‘Add All Specials’.
• If you want to add only certain items, highlight them and select ‘Add Selected’.
• Check the Unknown Cards tab, as this contains items in the special that aren't in your system. If you click ‘Add Selected’ it will add new stockcards for these items.
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