Report, Duplicate PLU


[Revised Aug 04]


Using this report you can edit any incorrect Part LookUp number (PLU).

This report finds duplicate PLU (PDE codes), which should not exist, so duplicate stock cards can be merged, and errors corrected.


A 'PLU' is the pharmacy's main lookup number for the item, not to be confused with the 'Partcodes' which are the lookup numbers specific to each supplier ... for those see the link below to 'Duplicate Partcode report' link below.


To bring up report

From the 'RxOne' start menu, 'Reports' 'Stock' , 'Duplicate PLU'

It displays all POS stocks with duplicate PLU highlighted by the same colour, either yellow or white. The Item with the highest expected monthly sales will be checked by default


The report shows PLU, TradeName, SOH, Cost and Retail of stocks with duplicated PLU.

The last column in the report is called SHOW.


To remove duplcates.

Select one by clicking on it. The selected one will remain unchanged. The non-selected one will be suppressed for future lokups by having a 'D' or 'Del' inserted in front of its PLU and "XX" inserted in front of it's name. This still enables it to be identified if it appears in a script record from the past, but suppresses it when doing a search.


Functions available

Autocheck will automatically check the item with the highest expected monthly sale and when processed will display this item and hide the item that is not ticked.

UnCheck All Button will uncheck the PLUs. (note this facility does not merge history or SOH value).





If you double click on an item on screen, the stockcard of that item is displayed.

'Close Stock card' will take you back.


Related topic

Duplicate Partcode report

Stock cards

Unintentional duplication of stockcard