Printer, Foil, Set up




Label printer, Report printer and all printer setup is described separately. In event of trouble, suspect printer driver problems.


'Foils' printing.

Pharmacies using 'foils' have to produce three types of printed output. Usually these are produced on the same printer, so the 'foils' printer has to be defined three times within the Windows control panel, once for each task with appropriate form size.

All three logical printers point to the same physical printer.


Setting up 'foils' printer

1. From the Windows 'Start' button click on 'Settings'

2. Select 'printers'

3. Select 'Add printer'

4 Create three printer icons.

5. Change the name of the first to 'FoilPackaging<Printer Type>' or 'FoilHeader<Printer Type>' etc. Do not use spaces in a network printer name as this prevents some versions of Windows recognising it. It is helpful for support if the name includes the printer model.

6. Right-click on the icon and select 'Properties'

7. Select 'Paper' tab at top.

8. Select "custom" paper size.

9. Set width and height as shown below, in 0.1mm scale, see below for settings for various brands and functions.

10. Click on 'Unprintable area' button, and set all values to zero.

11. Select 'Details' tab at top and check that the port is correct.

12. Click OK and get back to the 'printers' control and set the next foil printer function.


Make sure the Scale is set to '0.1mm'.


'Webster' brand foils:

Webster uses the normal labels for the Header label.

There are two varieties of 'signing sheets', pre-printed or non-pre-printed, so set accordingly.



The Webster brand uses normal labels for this, so direct the 'Foil header' printer to the Label printer, which will be already set.



The Medico brand comes in three varieties, either 'Perforated', 'Unperforated' or 'Pre Cut'.

And each of those can use one of two types of signing sheet, either 'Pre-printed' or 'Non-pre-printed'.

Unlike Webster, the Header Label is not the same as the normal prescription label and so needs to be directed to the foils printer rather than the label printer.


Foil Printer Setup (0.1mm)



Foil Packaging

Width Height

1420 2170

Foil Header

Use Label Printer for these

Foil Signing Sheets (Pre-Printed)

Width Height

2100 2970 (A4 Paper)

Foil Signing Sheets (Non-PrePrinted)

Width Height

2360 2800


Medico Perforated

Foil Packaging

Width Height

1580 2680

Foil Header

Width Height

1550 630

Foil Signing Sheets (Pre-Printed)

Width Height

2100 2800 

Foil Signing Sheets (Non-PrePrinted)

Width Height

2360 2800

Medico perf notes; If using Medico perforated foils, and after checking the default printer settings are correct you find that the foils do not print in full, cutting off on the last foil blister, and then the foil printer scrolls on approximately 3 - 4 pages of foil, then the likely cause is that you are using an old Citizen printer (200GX 24 pin). After extensive testing we have discovered that these printers do not operate successfully when using Medico Perforated foils. The recommended printer for foils is an OKI390 turbo.


Medico Non-Perforated

Foil Packaging

Width Height

1580 2490

Foil Header

Width Height

1540 510

Foil Signing Sheets (Pre-Printed)

Width Height

2100 2800 

Foil Signing Sheets (Non-PrePrinted)

Width Height

2360 2800


Medico Pre Cut

Foil Packaging

Width Height

1550 2630

Foil Header

Width Height

1550 630

Foil Signing Sheets (Pre-Printed)

Width Height

2100 2800 

Foil Signing Sheets (Non-PrePrinted)

Width Height

2360 2800

Medico Pre Cut; If using Medico Pre Cut sheets these only print for perforated medico packs. These sheets are FRAGILE. Any damage to the leading edge will stop them working. The only printer seen to work with them to date is the Canon BJC 210. Others may work but all other printers tested failed.




To change the Pharmacy Details on the Foil Pack.

"Medico packaging licensed to;" header defaults to "Test". To change this to "XYZ Pharmacy"; click on the Windws start button, select 'Run' and type in \PhcyPro\foilbody.ini <enter>. Then <F3> to get 'What?' box, type in test <enter>, close the 'find' box and type over the highlighted test with the 'XYZ pharmacy'.


Advanced setup, 'period names'.

If you have gone into the Foil Packaging Advanced setup, and changed the names in the foil periods, and saved them by pressing OK, before exiting, but find that upon doing a foil, the new period names appear not to have changed, the likely reason is that you have modified to wrong foil type. To correct this.

1) Go into Options, then Switchboard.

2) Look at see what foil type you are using, e.g. Webster, Medico Perf, or Medico.

3) Go back into Printer Setup, then click on Foil Packaging, then click on Advanced.

4) When asked to select foil type, ensure that you have chosen the same foil type as you have just viewed in the Switchboards.

5) Modify the foil period, as you require them to be, and press OK, to save the changes, before exiting.

6) Do a test foil, and check that the new periods are showing. If not, repeat the steps as listed above, starting from Step 1.



Always test carefully after making a change to 'foil' printing as it is easy to get wrong.


Related Topics

'rounding' click here.

Foil printer problemsare described separately in these notes.