Order, Missing Item


[Revised Mar 02]


Common reasons for items being missed off orders are;


1. Wrong supplier's name

The stock card shows wrong supplier, e.g. 'Schering' when it is really 'Novartis'. Most likely cause is that someone has deleted an item off an order by choosing 'Wrong supplier' and accidentally changed the 'supplier' on the card when they really meant 'Not required at this time'. Or, a new stock card was set up with the wrong item chosen off the list of suppliers.


2. Incorrect spelling of suppliers's name

The user is asking for an order for 'Shering' but the missing stock items have their supplier showing as 'Shearing' . The computer looks for an exact match when making up orders for a particular supplier. Fix by correcting the supplier name, and delete any incorrect names form the supplier list.


3. Item has been made 'No reorder'

If the stock card has a blank 'Reorder' box the item will never be ordered... the 'reorder' box should be ticked. Probably cause is that someone has deleted it from an order choosing 'Discontinued, never order again' rather than 'Not required at this time'. Fix by ticking the 'reorder' box.


4. On a previous order, item was marked as 'Hold until ....'

Holding date has not arrived yet. This is cancelled by dispensing or selling more of the item.


5. Duplicated stock cards

See separate topic.


6. Zero pack size.

If a stock card has a zero pack size, 0 x 3 packs used = 0 used in total, hence no order. Add the pack size.


7. Liquidity setting wrong

The 'liquidity' setting tells the computer how generous or frugal with the stock the management wants it to be. The setting needs to be correct on the particular unit that the order is made up on.


8. Declining usage

The usage is decreasing, and the computer's calculations show that the SoH is sufficient. The user may remember the previous high usage and think that the item has been 'missed'. Look at the stock card, and consider the usage.


9. Database corrupted.

More rarely, a corrupted database can prevent items being ordered. This should not be considered until the above causes have been eliminated. Fix by doing a compact of the database, and if that fails an overnight rebuild (ask the help-desk about this, deails in the 'Agents help').


Related topic

Ordering philosophy