Orders, Editing


[Revised Dec 06]



An order can be edited from any unit on the system.

Orders with a state of 'New' or 'Reorder' can be fully edited.

Orders with a state of 'Ordered' cannot have the quantity field changed for items.

Orders with a state of 'Acknowledged' can be viewed but not edited (editing can be done from the corresponding invoice on the Invoices list.


To edit an order:

1. Enter the 'Orders' section, usually by Windows and Order (or directly <ctrl> + <O>),

2. Highlight the order concerned and <enter>

3. Make the appropriate changes and Ok.


Prune High Quantities

If there is too large a quantity for the amount of space you have you can quickly reduce these quantities by clicking on the heading of the amount ordered column in the order ‘Qty’. This sorts the column. Click again & it will bring all the large quantities to the top.

Take a note of special items such as Stat items which have quantities above the figure that will be reduced. You may have to reinstate these figures if these larger quantities are needed for a script.

Click on ‘Edit”,  then on the menu ‘ Prune off high quantities’. This will reduce the quantities of these items. If the reduction is not enough, just do it again.

LOTS will not order these items again until to SoH gets to below the buffer level.


Related Topics

Collecting an Invoice

Creating an order

Deleting an order

Editing an order

Wrong quantity

Wrong supplier