[Revised May 09]
Sale of Restricted Medicines, (Pharmacist only Medicines), needs pharmacist authorisation and recording by the pharmacist of details.
This can be handled two different ways, depending on which the pharmacy finds convenient.
1. Use the 'Restricted Medicines' function on PoS
To activate
Go into the stockcard of each item you'd like to record. Tick the 'Restricted Med' or 'OTC' box under Options.
To sell and record
When a restricted item is sold, you will be asked to enter the name of the pharmacist who is selling the item. You will then be prompted to enter the customer's name. Sales of Restricted and OTC Meds will be listed in Dispense for each patient on an 'OTC' and 'RM' tab.
To report Restricted Meds
To report on Restricted Meds and OTC items, from the 'RxOne' Main Menu, select Reports, Sales Reports, Recorded Sales Reports.
2. Record as a script in Dispense
A pharmacist can dispense the item from the dispense module, either on the dispense computer or on any unit including a dispense screen flicked up in the middle of a PoS sale on the PoS unit.
The 'prescriber' should be the pharmacist and the price should be overridden to 'OTC'.
The item can then be picked up onto a PoS sale by looking up by script number, eg, to pull up Rx Number 12345 type in on the PoS screen
Rx12345 <enter>