[Revised Mar 02]
Due to care taken in the 'RxOne' design to preserve data integrity, it is very rare for data to really be missing from 'RxOne', though there are several situations where it may fail to display;
Date incorrect. If the current date is set to 2005 when it is really 1999, the history will disappear as there will be no 'current' scripts. Characteristic of this is that while the script histories have disappeared, the personal patient information (Name, address etc) are all there and this disappearance is NOT fixed by restoring from backup disk.
If the date is only a few months too far advanced, all history will display but all repeats will appear to have expired.
Repeat dispensing. History will be incomplete (lacking originals) when dispensing repeats if the display is set to 'show repeats only'
Not in last 100 scripts. To save display time, only the last 100 scripts are normally shown on lookup. To look back further, view the older history use ''View other days scripts' and enter the script number.
Deleted item
In response to user requests, for a short time during 1999 'RxOne' was made to suppress display of Deleted scripts. If such a script is looked up by script number then nothing comes up, making it seem as though the database has failed. The display of deleted items will be restored to prevent the anguish cause by this facility.
Data apparently changed or lost A separate topic describes the many situations that can make data appear to be missing.
If History really is missing
Restore from backups. No data is usually lost, even if many scripts have been dispensed since the last backup was made.