Date / Time - Setting


[Revised Jan 04]


Date and time for 'RxOne' are controlled from Windows.

Do not change the date to an incorrect date except for a compelling reason, and if so be certain to bring it back a.s.a.p.  Many confusing problems will arise if scripts are dispensed or viewed with the date wrongly set, such as apparently (but not actually) lost scripts, missing history, repeats not able to be found and non sequential scripts on 'todays scripts' display on the Main dispensing screen.


To adjust time/date

1. Double-click on the time showing on the bottom right corner of the screen (the right hand end of the task bar).

2. Click on the time figures and retype to correct.

3. If necessary, click on the correct date.

Warning; Running 'RxOne' with the date and especially the year set incorrectly can cause incorrect data display.

4. Apply or OK to apply the time/date change.


Initial setup of time/date

1. Select the Windows 'Start' button from bottom left corner of screen.

2. Select Settings,

3. Select Control Panel.

4. Select the Regional Settings icon.

5. Make sure that 'Regional Settings' is set to English language, 'Australian'. If not correct, change it. RxOne will not run properly with any other setting.

6. OK to accept these options.

7. Select the Date/Time icon.

8. Adjust the Date and/or Time if incorrect. Make sure that the time setting is right (AM or PM!)

9. Click on OK to record these changes.

You may need to restart the computer before this will take affect.


Poor time keeping

Some computer clocks do not keep good time as some computers keep time by counting the cycles in the power supply and though constant in any one country these are different in different countries. Some clocks are interrupted when there is some highly time dependent function such as operating the modem, and this can affect time keeping too. Annoying gains or losses of up to 5 minutes a day can occur on some brands of computer without indicating a specific fault.



It is important to have the regional settings correct. Without this, even if the time/date appears to be correct problems will occur with date calculations, expiry dates, safety net counts and many other calculations.


Related Topic

Staff 'Timeclock' - clocking in/out