[Revised Aug 2012]
There are two reports that show Drug Costs, Statistics, and Analysis from various viewpoints.
- Report, Script Statistics (short)
- Report, Script Statistics (Detailed)
See the links below for these related topics. it is worthwhile to look at both to see which provides the view that suits your needs best.
This 'Script Stats (Detailed)' shows the drug costs and analysis of added value with various choices of what is to be included, excluded etc.
To report
From the RxOne Start Menu go to Reports OR from the Main dispensing menu, Windows then Reports. Then go to Drug Reports or Statistics Reports and Drug Cost and Analysis Report.
You can select by Date or Script Number.
The Drug, Cost and Analysis Report shows all details on various tabs -General Analysis, Script Details, Age Groups, Patient Category Summary and Foil/Non Foil summary. You can click on the column headers to sort as you wish. The report can also be exported.
The age groups are <6 years, 6-17years, 18-24, 25-44, 45-65 and >65years to coincide with the government's categories.
Throughout RxOne;
- all cost prices are cost excluding GST/VAT etc.
- all retail prices include GST/VAT
- all profits take GST/VAT into account, but do not include it.
Eg, supposing cost was 1.00, markup was 50% = 1.50 and GST/VAT was 10% so the retail = 1.65. The cost will be reported as 1.00, the gross profit reported as 0.50 and 50%, and the retail reported as 1.65.
- In this report, if the wholesaler rebate is entered in Options, POS settings, the cost will be the list cost less the wholesaler rebate"
Incorrect results
If this report shows negative markups in either SS or NSS scripts it probably indicates a problem with a stock card.
To find these problems:
1. Click on the 'Script Details' tab to show a list of all scripts included in the report.
2. Scroll down through the list looking for items where the Cost is greater than the Price. Usually it will only be a few items and the Cost will be very high.
3. Make a note of the Script numbers.
4. In the dispensary, look up the scripts and see what the drug is.
5. In stockcards, look up the drug and check the cost and pack size.
- Fixing the stock cards with this problem will correct future reports but not previous ones because the cost and retail for every script are calculated at the time of dispensing not the time of the report.
Example A homeopathic has been added to the stock cards but the pack size has not been entered. The cost is set to $20.00. A blank pack size is assumed to be '1', so when 100 are dispensed for about $30 retail the cost appears to be 100 x $20 = $2000 leading to a very negative profit and affecting the report.
- If the error is in a drug whose data is maintained by us, please advise so we can correct it next month.
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