[Revised Oct07].
Analyses stock to find the best and worst items by; Unit sales, Turnover (retail value of sales), Profit generated & Return on capital. These are the major KPIs for a pharmacy. Can be selected by various criteria.
Also see related report 'Top Drugs' below.
Best/Worst stock items
Commonly used to check performance of various suppliers or product group stock.
To report Best/Worst of ALL stock
1. From RxOne Start Menu, go to Reports. Or, from the Main Menu, Windows, Reports.
2. 'Stock reports'
3. 'Top/worst stock' .
Various choices and filters are available, including options to exclude 'Inactive' and 'New items'.. Select those required, then Next to move on until Finished selecting.
To report best/worst DRUGS
Will display top 25 or any number drugs dispensed in a specified period by their total costs.
1. From RxOne Start Menu, Reports. Or, from the Main Menu, Windows, Reports.
2. 'Drug reports'
3. 'Top drugs' .
Select the period From and To and key in any number of Drugs you want to see in the report. The default value is 25. Click Ok, it will show the results. The report displays Drug Name, PLU, Quantity Dispensed, PackSize, Packs Dispensed and Total Cost.
Right click on the Drug Table, a list of menu will be appear. Then you can sort whatever you want.
'Cost' column is calculated from;
- Total Cost Sold in the last month History.
- Total Quantity sold in the last month.
- Pack Size.
Cost = Total Cost Sold / Number of Packs sold = Total Cost Sold / Total Quantity Sold / Pack Size
The cost is Pack Cost.
Cost of a stock is List cost when Sold or dispensed.
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