Printer, Label, Advanced


[Revised Mar 14]


Customised labels

On installation, the Label printer is setup and RxOne defaults to printing a label that conforms to regulations and satisfies the requirements of good practice. Customisation is not necessary for a satisfactory label.

The Main Panel of the label, which is the whole label on One-part labels, cannot be modified.


All parts of the label except the main panel can be customised.

Note: Allocate a reasonable amount of time for label customisation. You set the X and Y coordinates of the data you wish to print, and this usually takes some time and experimenting to get right.

Having the ability to set exactly what you want also carries the responsibility of making sure that what you specify is actually printable and satisfies the legal requirements of a pharmacy label.


Return to default settings option is under 'File' on the 'Advanced label settings' screen, to use in case you get hopelessly lost.

Note that this does not return settings to what they were before modification, it returns them to the installation default.


To Customise labels

1. From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Printer Setup, Script Label.

2. Go to the 'Advanced' button in the bottom rh corner

3. 'Fields' shows the fields already defined. The X and Y coordinates and Len (length) are displayed.

Modifying/moving a field; Highlight it and modify its specs in the 'Field details' frame to the right. The focused item will show in the display with a frame around it, in the position chosen. Make sure that the space allowed is sufficient (if the text is too long it will be truncated) and does not overwrite other text. Bold/Italic may not be available on some printers. All text is left justified unless 'centered' is selected.

To add a field; Click on Add under 'Fields' . Highlight the required field in 'Field details', which lists all the data elements that are available for use if required, e.g.  LTC Patient, then define X and Y co-ordinates.

To delete a field; Highlight it in 'Fields' and click Delete



To add the Cautionary & Advisory numbers to the second part of the label.

Click on 'Add' under 'Fields'.

Highlight ‘C & A Labels’  in the 'Field details'.

Then  define the X and Y co-ordinates and length of the field (under Field Details). You'll be able to see in the display where this field fits in.

 When ready go ‘OK’.

 Do a duplicate label to check you have added the field appropriately. You many need to tweak it.


You can also print the letter ’N’ on the long second part of the script label to indicate the patient hasn’t had that drug dispensed within the last 6 months.


To add 'Patient price' to label.

As for customising above, Highlighting the "$0.00 Patient price" item in 'Field details' and experiment with the X/Y co-ordinates to print on a suitable part of the pre-printed pharmacy name strip.


X/Y Co-ordinates

Normal X and Y co-ordinates for details on labels 2 and 3 are;

  X Y Length

Drug quantity 0 43 6

Drug name 6.2 43 8 

Rx Num&Suffix 0 47 14

Date DD/MM 0 51 12

`X' if exempt 0 54 3

Patient Name 16 43 53

Patient Address 16 47 53

Date Dispensed 16 51 23

Patient Cost 40 51 29

Rx Number 16 55 20

Drug Qty #2 37 55 6 

DrugName#2 44 55 25

"SS"  4 54 5


Other data

Other data, such as "Y" if under-6, Stock on Hand, patient category etc, may be printed on the label as required. Experimentation is needed to find a place that suits the needs of the user AND does not obliterate other data.



- Custom label settings are recorded in C:\RxOne\setlabel.ini . Copying this file to other units will quickly transfer the layout there.


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