

[Revised Nov09]



Doctors and other prescribers have their details permanently recorded, and a code can be defined for quick look up.


You can do a doctor search via the web to find details for a particular doctor.

In Dispensary, from 'Edit Doctor', either type in their NZMC number or their initial and surname, then select “get doctor info”.


To set up a new prescriber

- Normally these are set up 'on the fly' during dispensing. When a unknown name or lookup code is entered in the 'Dr' field during dispensing RxOne will pop-up the 'Edit Doctor' utility.


To set up new prescribers in bulk

1. From the Main Menu, Edit

2. Select Doctor

3. Type in the details


To Edit existing prescriber

1. From the Main Menu, Edit

2. Select Doctor

3. Select Search and select the Dr to be edited.

4. If the prescriber is in an IPA make sure their Pin/Pan number is entered for Electronic Claims.

5. There is also a box to note whether the doctor is a PHO doctor.


To print a list of prescribers

From the RxOne Start Menu, Tools, Utilities, Dr utilities, Print.


To merge prescribers

To merge prescribers

1. From the Main Menu, Window, Utilities

2. Tools

3. Utilities

4. Doctor Utilities

5. Modify Doctors

6. While holding down the <ctrl> key, click on the name to be eliminated, then click on the name to be retained, then let up <ctrl> and click on 'Merge'.


NZMC, Drs registration number

If the NZMC number is known, the doctor can be searched by entering this in addition to the short code or name. Similarly other prescribers by their registration number.


Practice number - 'PAN' number

'PracticeID' or 'Pan' number field will be named appropriately depending on the pricing office used. Both refer to the ID of the practice that the prescriber belongs to and the number is sent in with SmartClaim. If still on manual claims and the Dr wants the number on phoned scripts then add it as a line on the Dr address.

Address 1;  (PN 123456)

Address 2; 22 Smith St

Address 3; Anytown.


- Prescriber Id in RxOne equates to 'PrescriberId' on SmartClaim raw disk content. The NZMC number should be entered in this field.

- Group Id field in RxOne equates to GroupID field in Raw disk Content. The PAN number (or PracticeID) should go in the field.

- Practice ID in RxOne does not go to the Practice ID field in raw disk content


Enter their 'NZ Com' number, off the midwife's script form.


Generic Substitution

You can record and date a doctor's permission to generically substitute:

1. From RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, Utilities, Doctor's Utilities, Modify Doctors

2. Select the doctor and click Modify

3.  Tick 'Generic Substitution Agreement' box

It will automatically default to today's date - this can be changed.

When dispensing, 'GSub' will be shown in green next to the doctor if the 'Generic Substitution Agreement' box is ticked



- Most fields can be filled or left blank.

- For ease of use, decide on a convention for Dr codes and keep to it. A common convention, known to most relievers, is to use the first two letters of the surname followed by the initial, eg, 'Dr J. Smith' is 'SMJ'.

- Drs can be looked up under their name or registration number.