[Modified Sep 2010]
It is a user choice whether GST content is displayed and allowed to be overridden at time of sale (for a duty free sale or a cheque fee etc), or whether the GST is hidden.
To Switch on/off GST display
From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Options. Click on the POS Settings tab. Tick/untick the box that says 'Show GST'.
There will now be an extra column that shows the GST%.
To override the GST rate for a specific sale
Enter the GST column and alter as required, similar to a discount.
Related topic
The rate of GST was changed from 12.5 to 15% on 1 October 2010. The notes below were posted on the RxOne Start Menu to assist customers with the practicalities of the change.
GST INCREASE –Amended Notes (24 Sep 2010)
With the increase of GST to 15% on 1 Oct 2010, we have put together some suggestions as to how you might like to go about the practicalities of implementing this change. Some of these can be started immediately to lighten the load on October 1st. There is no perfect situation to manage this change so please choose the option that best fits your needs.
The GST rate in RxOne will automatically increase to 15% on October 1st so new stockcards created after this date will have this rate. However this will not update the GST rate on any existing stockcards.
Please do a backup before making any major change.
Option A: Repricing Before Oct 1st
If you would like to increase prices now to be the same as they will be with 15% GST, you can use Bulk Stock Edit to increase your mark-ups (see below for screenshots and more details). This is best done one product group at a time so that you can price sticker the items as you go.
Try this on a couple of items first to ensure you’ve followed the procedure correctly:
- From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit Utility
- Bring up the Product Group you’d like to change, leave the other selections on ALL and press ‘OK’.
- Go to the ‘Prices and Price Options’ tab
- Set GST to 15%. (Confirm process by applying to a couple of cards first.)
- Select ‘All items listed’ above and
- Select ‘Make the changes’
- The retail price will recalculate according to the new GST rate. You may want to use one of the rounding options (see below).
- Then go back to Bulk Stock Edit, change GST back to 12.5% and tick ‘Maintain Retail’ and ‘Make the Changes’ to ‘All Items listed above’. (The markup will be increased).
- Price stickers/ Shelf labels will be printed out automatically for re-stickering the stock.
After Close of Business on 30 September or on 1st Oct:
Change the GST on those Product Groups where you have already increased the markup and retail as above:
- Go to Bulk Stock Edit
- ‘Set GST to’ 15% and tick ‘Maintain Retail’. (This will reduce the markup without changing the price).
Change the GST on those suppliers that are not increasing their Recommended Retail, (i.e. they are either reducing the margin or List Cost. Check with your suppliers if you are unsure of how they are handling the GST change)
- Go to Bulk Stock Edit
- ‘Set GST to’ 15% and tick ‘Maintain Retail’. (This will reduce the markup without changing the price).
- If the supplier is reducing their wholesale price, then after changing the GST as above, go to Supplier Update. If the latest price file is available, update the List Cost and the Recommended Retail; or use the paper price file to update the list cost.
After dealing with the “exceptions” as above, go back to Bulk Stock Edit and bring up ALL existing stock cards by leaving the selections on ‘All’. Then ‘Set GST to’ 15%. This will ensure any stock cards that haven’t previously had a price change will be repriced. Price stickers will print for those items with a price change.
Option B - Do all price changes on close of business on 30th September or on 1st Oct
On close of business on 30th Sep or on 1st Oct, the rate of GST will need to be manually changed to 15% on all your existing stockcards. As advised above, we will automatically change the GST in Options to 15% to take effect 1 October 2010. This means that any new stockcards created will have GST set to 15% by default.
Before 1st Oct
If using this option, you could consider removing old price stickers now and switching off “printing price” on stickers so that after 1st Oct there. (See other considerations for more details)
After close of business on 30th Sep or on 1st Oct
Deal with the “exceptions” first:
Change the GST on any Product Groups you don’t want retail price change
- From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit Utility
- Bring up the Product Group you’d like to change and press ‘OK’.
- Go to the ‘Prices and Price Options’ tab
- Tick ‘Set GST to’ and type in 15 and tick ‘Maintain Retail’
- Select ‘All items listed’ above and
- Select ‘Make the changes’
- This will reduce the markup without changing the price.
Change the GST on those suppliers that are not increasing their Recommended Retail, (i.e. they are either reducing the margin or List Cost. Check with your suppliers if you are unsure of how they are handling the GST change).
- Go to Bulk Stock Edit Utility
- Select the supplier
- Tick ‘Set GST to’ 15% and tick ‘Maintain Retail’. (This will reduce the markup without changing the price).
- Select ‘All items listed above’ and
- Select ‘Make the changes’
If the supplier is reducing their List cost, then after changing the GST as above, go to Supplier Update. If the latest price file is available, update the List Cost and the Recommended Retail; or use the paper price file to update the list cost.
After dealing with the “exceptions” as above, go back to Bulk Stock Edit, bring up ALL existing stockcards (POS and Dispensary cards)
- Select all stockcards by leaving all the selections on ‘All’
- Then ‘Set GST to’ 15% (You will need to consider how rounding will affect your retails. See below)
- Select ‘All items listed above’ and
- Select ‘Make the changes’
- This will ensure any stockcards that haven’t previously had a price change will be repriced.
- This will recalculate the retail based on the list cost mark up and new GST. (But it will not change the retail price on the cards where the GST has already been changed)
- Price stickers will automatically print for those items with a price change
Removing Prices from Price Stickers
You could consider removing old price stickers now and switching off ‘Price on Sticker’ If you’d like to remove price stickers from current stock and turn off printing prices on your shop stickers in advance of the GST change:
- From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit Utility.
- Choose ALL products (the default) and press OK.
- On the ‘Select Option’ tab, tick ‘Set Price on Label to’ and set it to ‘False’. Make sure ‘All Items - - Listed Above’ is selected. Click on ‘Make the changes’.
Price stickers will still print when delivering an order, so you can have a barcode to scan. But the label won’t have a price on it.
You may like to display a public notice explaining customers can check prices at the till.
Go back to Bulk Stock Edit and change ‘Set Price on label’ to ‘True’ when you want to start printing prices on stickers again.
Turning off printing of price stickers
When in bulk stock edit, if you don’t want to print price stickers at any stage then switch off your price sticker printer and cancel the print documents before switching the printer back on.
• Accounts
In RxOne, stock sold before 1 October will show with 12.5% GST and after 1 October with 15% GST.
• Dispensary sites
Change your Pharmaceutical Service Fees (PSFs) in Tools, Options, Prices tab. See the other document ‘Summary of GST changes’. Also review your Under S/Net and NSS PSFs.
• Drugcards with NSS Override
You will need to check these and modify if necessary for the GST change. From Reports, go to Other Reports, Multi Reports, NSS Override Details, Load Report.
• ‘DHB Tamiflu’ Dispensing or any Insurance Accounts – The dispensing fee is $5.30 excl GST. To charge at the new GST rate, change the dispensing fee in the DHB insurance Account setting. Find account in Debtors, Edit, Account details, Insurance, Insurance Company Dispensing Fee and enter the inclusive GST figure $6.10.
• Bulk Stock Edit In More Detail
You have the following options that can be used:
1. Maintain Retail while changing GST. The mark-up is changed for every stockcard if GST is changed.
2. Force Rounding of Retail (Stockcard level). This will force the rounding of the retail price in the stockcard according to your POS price settings in options. If you have the psychological pricing module it will use your set price points. You can apply the new GST and force the rounding at the same time. Price stickers will print after you have made the change.
To check your rounding settings, from the RxOne Start Menu, go to Tools, Options, POS settings. The rounding settings are on the top right hand side of screen.
3. Round to eg. 10¢, 50¢, $1.00. ie you can change a retail to end in a particular number. For example, with Revlon tick ‘Set Retail to’ and enter a retail of *.00. The price will then change to end with 00. So if the price was $219.80, it will change to $219.00.
Note that we have a Psychological Pricing Module (for which there is a charge) that you may find useful. It allows you to set price points.
• Quote Price/Stock Details
If you decide to turn off ”Set Price on Label to”, you can check prices for customers easily in POS. On the main Sales screen you can use ‘Quote Price/Stock Details’ to check prices for customers if required.
• Show a GST Column in the Sales Screen
It may be helpful to display a column to show the GST rate in RxOne POS.
To do this, from the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Options, POS Settings and tick ‘Show GST’.
• Suppliers
Some suppliers will not be increasing their retail prices after October 1st, and will instead reduce the margin they make. It would be useful to check with your suppliers how they will handle the GST increase so you are not increasing retail prices unnecessarily. For example QVS, Gainsborough are not changing their retail but instead are reducing their wholesale price. So after changing the GST rate on 1st Oct, you’ll need to update the List Cost.
e.g. QVS – No Change to Retail
• From the RxOne Start Menu go to Tools, Utilities, Stock Utilities, Bulk Stock Edit Utility
• Change supplier to QVS
• Select OK
• Select ‘Every Stock Card’
• On the Prices and Price Options tab ‘Set GST to’ 15%
• Tick ‘Maintain Retail’
• After updating GST on these cards, run the ‘Supplier Update Utility’, select the Supplier, tick ‘Update List Cost’ and tick ‘Update Recommended retail’ for the supplier. Check the ‘Price file’ date to ensure you are updating from the latest files. If the electronic price file is not available, use the paper price file to update the list cost.
GST Summary letter sent to all sites September 2010 for the GST change from 12.5% to 15% on 1 Oct 10
(see the Oct 2010 Newsletter)
22 September 2010
Please read the GST letter on your RxOne Start Menu for more detail on the points below
On 1 October:
1) Make sure you have displayed the GST column in the New Sale Screen so you can check if you missed changing the GST on any stockcards.
2) Ensure GST has changed to 15% in Tools, Options, Prices tab. (Change this only on 1 Oct so the Insurance accounts don't roll over with a 15% GST rate.)
3) Change GST on any other “exceptions” first. For example, if you don’t want to change the retail price of XYZ Product Group or Supplier (but you do on all other stockcards), change the GST on XYZ group to 15% in Bulk Stock Edit (BSE) first and tick ‘Maintain Retail’.
Note: Some suppliers will not be increasing their retail prices after October 1st, and will instead reduce their margin / List cost. (E.g. QVS). Check with your suppliers if you are unsure of how they are handling the GST change. For these suppliers, after using BSE to update the GST and ‘maintain retail’ then go to Supplier Update and update the List cost and the Recommended Retail. Check the ‘File date’ to make sure you are using the latest price file.
4) On those Product Groups where you have previously increased the markup, ‘set GST to’ 15% and tick ‘Maintain Retail’. This will reduce the markup without changing the price.
5) Change the GST rate on ALL stockcards using Bulk Stock Edit. (This will change the GST on all existing Dispensary and POS cards and also the retail price on any POS cards not previously changed.) Note: this step will not change the price on the cards that have already been changed under #3 and #4.
6) For Dispensary sites, please change your Pharmaceutical Service Fees (PSFs) in Tools, Options, Prices tab. Also check your Under S/Net and NSS PSFs. All PSFs in the table below are GST inclusive.
7) Dispensary sites need to check that NSS Override prices have the new rate of GST included.
If you are on the standard MoH contract where the Base Pharmaceutical Services Fee is $5.3043 excluding GST, then please change your fee to the figures in the following table.
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