Foil, Nomad system


[Revised Feb11]


The 'Nomad' foils system software is integrated with RxOne. It is substantially different from the other foils; Apotex, Medico and Webster, in method of operation so training is required for those changing either way.

Please note that although HealthSoft will do it’s best to support Nomad, because it’s not our own software we cannot guarantee that we are able to fix all problems.



The 'Nomad' company ceased supporting the Nomad software during 2001, and for the convenience of RxOne users, HealthSoft took over installing and supporting 'Nomad'.



There is no charge by HealthSoft for 'Nomad' software, only for installation, training and support time and travel.

As the software was not written by us, we install and support 'Nomad' on a 'time/travel/materials' basis rather than charging for the Nomad software itself.


Install set

The 'Nomad' install set is in a folder on the RxOne install CD, with installation and setup instructions.


Source code of this system (not written by us) is in a Nomad folder with the normal RxOne program source under programmer control.


Transferring NOMAD FOILS to new computer (or reloading NOMAD).

Contact details for NOMAD: John Morris  TEL:0800 333 808 or 9150800,     MOB: 021 760  113?


These notes are required when a customer who uses NOMAD replaces their computer or needs to reload NOMAD for some reason.  The HealthSoft techies have got a copy of the NOMAD installation disk if required.


On the existing machine go to C:\ Programme files\ Nomad for RxOne\ Tables   and copy the contents of this Tables file.


Use the Nomad installation to install NOMAD on the new computer.  On this same disk is a patch called 3.31 make sure that you run this as well.  Now copy the contents of the Tables file from the old NOMAD installation over the top of the files in the new Tables file.


Start up Nomad and click F12 to save the option of looking at the local machine for both databases. (NOMAD has a problem looking down the network to a networked master so needs to default to the local machine).  


Once Nomad is running go to F8 and choose options.  Set up the Pharmacy name and details here.  Press F12 to save and exit.


Choose F8 again and go to set up printers (this can be a network printer if required).  Press F12 to save.


Get the pharmacist to check patient's information is there and do a test foil before leaving site.


Related topic

Foils, Unit Dose Dispensing

Medico foils

Webster foils