[Revised Jul 04]
Compact Database: Compacting the database removes redundant data and reconstructs the indexes; improving speed of operation, reducing the size of the backups and ensuring that all items are indexed for correct lookup.
It should be done once a month on the Master unit.
It is not necessary to 'compact' Slave units.
Make a backup immediately before compacting, and do not use Slaves while the 'Compact' is working.
To compact database.
From the 'Start menu' select Tools, Utilities, Database utilities, Maintenance, and click on 'Compact database'.
Time; Usually 3 to 20 minutes. If it has not been done for a long time, leave it to work overnight as it could then take up to an hour and unlike the other utilities, 'Compact' must not be interrupted. There will be no activity on screen, but you can confirm that it is still working by looking at the hard disk drive light... so long as this is flashing occasionally, it is working.
Automatic 'Compact' of DB
[Warning, do not set this to work automatically unless requested by Help-desk]
This option will run an automatic 'Repair' and 'Compact' of the database overnight. (Tools, Options, Switchboard, Select Maintain Database Checkbox and enter a time for the maintenance to begin e.g. 2300). Note: The time entered must be after 1700hrs).
Compacting, Problems with
'Compact' will fail is there is insufficient free space on the hard drive, so check for this and correct if required.
If there is plenty of space (more free space than the size of the RxOne.MDB' database) then it could be that corruption in a database has caused the 'compact' function to get into an infinite loop, so if it is still going many hours later, break in with <ctrl> + <alt> + <del>, see 'Compacting, Problems with' below.
Related topic
'Compact', problems with
Preventative maintenance