Script, Grouping items


[Revised Aug 02]


Scripts dispensed together, e.g. four items dispensed one after the other are automatically grouped onto the same receipt, the same foil etc. Sometimes it is useful to group them later, for example if four items from different dispensing's are required on the same foil. Similarly two items can be grouped and a foil printed, then two others and another foil to split a previous group.


Adding A Prescription To An Existing Receipt / Phone Script / Foil

Keyboard method

1. Select the patient (pressing enter defaults to the current patient).

2. Select all the Scripts you wish to group from the Patient History List

3. From the ‘Utilities’ menu select ‘Group Selected Scripts’, a message should appear to say these scripts have been successfully grouped.

4. If you wish to print anything (a receipt/foil etc) then select ‘Print Duplicate’

Mouse method

1. Highlight the items in the patient history by dragging the left mouse.

2. Right-click and select 'Group selected scripts'


Foils: When grouping scripts with different start days and different weekly/monthly settings the topmost selected script with valid settings will be used.


Related topics

Duplicating Labels

Duplicating Receipts

Duplicating CRCs

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