[Revised Nov 10]
Scripts can be edited by bringing up a patient and selecting the item, OR as editing is commonly needed soon after dispensing, the item can be selected off the Main Menu by double clicking with the mouse.
Editing an item from the Dispense Main Menu
Click on the item with the mouse, or <Tab> key until the first item in the list is highlighted by a dotted square (one press of <tab> off the 'New Script' button) then use the Arrow Keys move down to the script you wish to edit. Press <Enter> to highlight this item.
Click on 'Edit Script' button to edit this script (or press <Ctrl>+E).
Another quick way to edit a script:
From the 'New Script' or 'Edit Script' button, you can type in the script number, with E in front of it (i.e. EXXXXX where XXXXX is the script number) - this will take you directly to the script.
Editing an item from earlier history
To edit a script that was dispensed few days ago:
1. Bring up the patient as for a new script to display their history.
2. Select the item you want to edit, by pressing its number or clicking on it.
3. Select Edit OR click on Edit OR just press <enter> and the program will deduce that you want to edit, OR <ctrl>+ <E>.
If editing the drug, quantity or patient category, or something else that will affect pricing, <enter> down through all the fields to 'Finish' to ensure that it is repriced under the new conditions.
But note; Someone looking at this script later can think that the data has spontaneously changed, or that the price is wrong especially if the patient has become exempt meanwhile and a previously non-exempt script has been repriced under exempt rules.
Print new Label/receipt etc.
Reprint by selecting 'Label' button if required.
1. When appropriate, Editing adjusts the stock on hand, usage, 'Claims' Electronic Claim, and all reports automatically.
2. The Patient Category on a script record is the category at time of dispensing. It can be changed and will be taken into account for pricing that script and its repeats, without affecting the Patient Category for future scripts (to change that, edit the patient's Personal details.)
3. A prompt will come up and ask you if you want to re-serialise the script when the Rx category is edited. You may need to reprint the label with the correct serial number.
Related topic
Large numbers of repeats, editing